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Comment Re:Crazy people (Score 1) 515

my friend told a similar story. He worked as an electrician some years ago when one of the customers complained about sleeping bad because of all the electrical interference in his bedroom. So they drove to the guy, mounted a switch somewhere connected to nothing and told him to switch it off at night. Some days later he called again, extremely happy because now he was able to sleep like the gullible baby he was ...

Comment Re:Makes me feel good on the inside. (Score 1) 512

You can help: by keeping out of it.

At least with Obama there is a decent chance that he's cautious enough not to use inflammatory rhetoric. Imagine what Bush would have said and how Ahmadinedschad would have used it. There are some things Obama did that i didn't like but right now i'm very glad the he's the leader and uses his brain, not his guts.

Comment Re:Cats (Score 1) 339

Both of these statements either imply that killing kittens is fine (which I doubt your implying), or that its a lesser problem than war, and thus we shouldn't be mad about it.

not that we shouldn't be mad about it, that is the point where you get it wrong. Organizing a global hunt for someone who kills kittens strikes me as mad. Not only in the face of cruelties done to humans but generally. I can understand if people in the area get mad about it and try to catch the asshole. But if one can watch the news and do nothing but see a cat killed and participate in that then the person has their priorities skewed.

Comment Re:Cats (Score 1) 339

I shouldn't help that guy over there, because there are millions of other people who need my help in Africa!

That is fallacious reasoning.

That's why i didn't say that. Read it again

People who kill kittens for fun are probably going to be dangerous in other ways. It is one of the signs of a burgeoning serial killer, for example. Actually, if I saw someone killing a kitten for fun on the street, I'd beat them within an inch of their lives, then take the kitten home with me, then call the cops on him, and his boss, and his family.

yes, i seem to be the dangerous one. Beating a human almost to death because of a cat makes you practically a saint

Comment Re:Cats (Score 1) 339

I have a cat and have no sympathies for cat killers (and my comment was not really against you. I was pissed and lashed out against you, i'm sorry). I just can't believe that people organize around a video like that and ignore far worse cruelties done to humans. Reminds me of the episode of Bullshit when a PETA member was outraged at the notion of rescuing another human instead of her own dog.

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