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Comment Re:Nice. (Score 2) 238

Considering that ISIS was trying to scam them, it seems more like a situation where they managed to take the bait without springing the trap. It's just like the pool hustler. He lets you win one for chump change to get you hooked. If you see it coming and say that's enough for you, he's out the money fair and square.

Comment Limited Usefulness (Score 2) 26

Unfortunately, these types of devices will always be of limited usefulness for most pre-existing spinal cord patients. Why? - because after only a few months, most muscles have had permanent wasting, and joints have begun to contract, often permanent as well. Bones have undergone significant disuse osteopenia. Unless the patient has Christopher Reeve type resources, then the day to day intensive PT to mobilize limbs does not occur.

Even in young healthy patients, even having a cast on for 2 months results in permanent muscle loss.

Br J Sports Med. 2006 Jun; 40(6): 552–553.
doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.020743
PMCID: PMC2465116
Calf muscle wasting after tibial shaft fracture
M Khalid, A Brannigan, and T Burke

Comment Re:i love infrastructure (Score 1) 465

"don't antagonize the imperial thug, or what the imperial thug does is your responsibility"

gee, i would think anything vile that the imperial thug did was the imperial thug's fault, perhaps? is that a little beyond your brain wattage?

this is the crap you are trying to sell:

"why did you wear that sexy dress? that guy looked at you. so that means i have to beat you now. and it's your fault i have to beat you because you wore that dress"

that's wife beater logic

"why did you accept states fleeing the soviet union, NATO, forcing me to dismember tiny weak georgia and ukraine in my self-destructive frustration and impotent rage?"

have you been beaten too much dear poor shell shock propagandized wife?

especially since "antagonism" as you define it is: the country's and regions momentarily not under the thug's boot after the fall of the USSR doing their damned best to scramble away and not be victims anymore

but of course, you spin that as evil NATO expanding and tricking poor poland, czech, hungary, romania, lithuania, etc... good soviet member states tricked by the evil west, right?

they all hate and fear russia now, moron!

they run to the west as fast as they fucking can

NATO expansion has nothing to do with what NATO did, but everything to do with how maltreated those states were under the russian thug's boot

ukraine are, *were*, your slavic brothers for centuries. they should be your loyal friends after being on the same side for centuries. but no. they had the gall to say they have the right to decide their own fate. and the impotent rage of putin and his small dick says they have to be mercilessly punished for that "crime"

all slavic comradery completely null and void

pathetic, stupid, the logic of the wife beater and the beaten ignorant propagandized serf wives who swallow and accept that mafia thug shit

Comment A few bad reactions got some press. (Score 3) 194

You can become violently allergic to practically ANYTHING. (The immune system, in each individual, creates a large number of clones of cells making different antibodies by pseudo-randomly editing the genome making the antibody, kills off the ones that recognize the infant body, and amplifies the clones recognizing new stuff that appeared at the same time the body experiences damage.)

A few bad reactions to a few particular foods got a lot of attention - and overreaction. Which ones got the attention was mostly a matter of chance. So now the clueless bureaucrats are taking extreme measures against the handful of allergens that got the press, and the rest are completely off their radar.

They have zero tolerance for peanuts.
  - Do they have zero tolerance for shellfish? (Restaurants in Silicon Valley were very careful about allergies when I first moved here - because one had been informed that a customer had a shellfish allergy, fed her something containing shrimp, and she died.)
  - Do they have zero tolerance for milk? (Some milk reactions are an enzyme deficiency, but some are an allergy, which can be deadly. Also: a protein in cow's milk increases the risk of Multiple Sclerosis).
  - Do they have zero tolerance for tree nuts?
  - Do they have zero tolerance for wheat?
  - Do they have zero tolerance for honey?
  - Do they have zero tolerance for corn? (It would be convenient for ME if they did - my corn allergy isn't QUITE to full-blown anaphylactic shock level, yet, but it IS to the "projectile vomiting" and "three days of flu-like symptoms" level. But I won't try to stop others from enjoying corn.)
  - Do they have zero tolerance for eggs?
  - Do they have zero tolerance for fish?
And that's just the COMMON food allergies.

If they had zero tolerance for every food allergen that had caused anaphyliaxis, they'd have zero tolerance for FOOD.

Comment Re:And it all comes down to greed (Score 1) 585

I think most of us recognize it when we see it, but keep stirring up that mud! In fact, I did set a few parameters for it.

As for the world comment, the cost of living in the area matters a lot as well. In some places, that $10k would get 3 or 4 months living in an apartment that barely meets code but wouldn't pay for utilities so you'd be put on the street anyway.

I would say though that wanting to live somewhere around the median for one's region isn't greedy. Wanting enough in a single year to be able to retire on with a median lifestyle is.

Comment Re:And it all comes down to greed (Score 3, Insightful) 585

That same worn out tune has been playing since Reagan and it has only made matters worse for people year by year.

The greedy poor man holding them billionaires down just because he thinks he has a right to eat or something after putting in a 10 hour day. And not even a shred of evidence to back it.

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