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Comment Re:I have to question the facts of the matter (Score 1) 200

If it was a physical issue, then how do you explain Valentina Tereshkova?
You're example will be valid once people run to the Moon, until then you should probably realize you examples is just a unconscious bias.

She passed all the test and qualified. So the only reason for her not to get chosen is because she was a woman. Probably because a femal death would have been a big blow to the program; which is a form of cultural sexism.

She was not a military test pilot, but neither was John Glenn.

Now, to you far more stupider points:
" I do not believe in advocacy for either of the sexes."
So no one should have advocated for women to vote?

"I have no patience for it because it is ultimately dishonest."
No, it isn't. You're examples are dishonest.

" It isn't about fair"
Sure it is, that's why there is a woman's race and a men's race. As I address, irrelevant to being an astronaut.

" I acknowledge again that women should be given an EQUAL shot at these things."
and when the entrenched system is actually giving them an equal shot? Something very well documented.

"You put your finger on the scale to bias the results and I will cut that fucker off and feed it to you."

So you're argument is so week you have to use physical threats?
I'd like to see you do that to my face, becasue I have no problem seeing you arrested.

You're just another dumb ass Internet tough guy.

Comment Re:An Obscenity (Score 1) 253

We're talking about people who are storing their eggs so they can WORK. They're not storing their eggs so they can go save starving children in Ethiopia, or be an astronaut.

Yeah, it's an astonishing assumption that they're doing that to accumulate wealth? I guess power is an alternative goal. Big office? Nice title? Pick one.

Indeed, it isn't the only reason people wait until later to have kids, of course not.

But the CONTEXT here is companies offering it as a benefit, not the general concept of waiting to have kids.

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