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Comment Re:Gay Sex! Like Patent Trolls! (Score 1) 114

Whilst I agree with you in general - about intellectual property and blowjobs if not the rest (fyi, no need to be gay to appreciate blowjobs).

The problem isn't so much that Groupon want to use the same name, but more that because of the ridiculous legal situation. If you don't "defend" your trademark you lose it and eventually you'll be in the situation of having Groupon stop you using "Gnome" because now it's their trademark.

Comment Re:misogynists on the intarwebz? WHAT U SAY? (Score 4, Insightful) 834

There is effectively no censorship on the internet now so whatever you say can result in criticism and attacks of any kind whoever you are. Obviously trolls will pick on the form of attack that generates the most outrage, that's what trolls do. If you can't take a mature attitude to it then don't get involved. Trying to censor the internet is:

a) impossible
b) damaging to everybody's interests

Grow up, get a life, stop whining and nagging.

Comment Re:Typical muslims (Score 1) 389

I dont always agree with Resa Aslan but he's right about this so ust for the sake of correctness:

FGM is not a particularly Muslim phenomenon. It's pretty much limited to those Muslims that inhabit north-eastern and central sub-Saharan Africa. It is almost unknown in most other Muslim majority countries (except for immigrants from the aforementioned regions).

It's also very common among Christian and other religious groups in the same area, so FGM really seems to be linked to the culture in just that geographical region rather than to any religious grouping.


Deaf Advocacy Groups To Verizon: Don't Kill Net Neutrality On Our Behalf 76

Dega704 sends this quote from Ars: No company has lobbied more fiercely against network neutrality than Verizon, which filed the lawsuit that overturned the FCC's rules prohibiting ISPs from blocking and discriminating against Web content. But the absence of net neutrality rules isn't just good for Verizon—it's also good for the blind, deaf, and disabled, Verizon claims. That's what Verizon lobbyists said in talks with congressional staffers, according to a Mother Jones report last month. "Three Hill sources tell Mother Jones that Verizon lobbyists have cited the needs of blind, deaf, and disabled people to try to convince congressional staffers and their bosses to get on board with the fast lane idea," the report said. With "fast lanes," Web services—including those designed for the blind, deaf, and disabled—could be prioritized in exchange for payment. Now, advocacy groups for deaf people have filed comments with the FCC saying they don't agree with Verizon's position."

Comment It's democracy, stupid. (Score 5, Insightful) 619

Sigh. We've known for a long time that in autocratic regimes of any type, levels of interpersonal trust are lowered. After all, your neighbor might be an informer, and the state itself is a liar and propagandist. Similarly, low levels of social trust correlate with all sorts of antisocial behavior, from cheating and intolerance to distrust of democracy itself. So all this experiment really proves is something we already know: living a long time under an oppressive regime generates distrust which legitimizes cheating and so forth. Capitalism and "socialism" have little to do with it.

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