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Comment Re:what's wrong with cherry picking? (Score 1, Interesting) 110

If the government developed and manufactured drugs, what criteria would determine which diseases are targeted for cures? It would be those diseases with the largest and most obnoxious lobbying groups. The incompetent government labs would be toiling away for cures to AIDS, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and maybe bowel cancer for Barney Frank. MS, heart disease, ebola? Not a chance.

Comment Re:They're getting desperate... (Score 1) 708

The conspiracy is not "to reduce fossil fuel consumption", it's to gain political power. It's not a hidden conspiracy, mostly it's quite open in its actions; it's the motives that are somewhat hidden because few people lusting after political power have any need to communicate that lust.

And they haven't successfully hidden all evidence: East Anglia.

Comment Re:My 0.02 (Score 1) 708

The central valley of California has good soil, warmth, and dependable sunshine. All that's missing for great agriculture is dependable water. The mid-west, America's breadbasket, suffers fairly cold winters and occasional severe floods.

People make do with what they have and operate in whatever economic conditions prevail. If water becomes too rare and hence too expensive, California farms will fail. Food prices will go up for everyone, and some California farmers will be impoverished. If water does not become too expensive, almost everyone wins.

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