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Comment Re:govt enforces the monopoly. Want govt monopoly? (Score 1) 513

Private highways were being built and used when Eisenhower pushed through the Interstate system. Part of the Pennsylvania Turnpike was originally private. Government has the advantage of stealing land through eminent domain; private companies could easily be stymied if they had an enemy in government, or just a bureaucrat soliciting bribes. Buying land from tens of thousands of landowners to make way for a big road is no easy undertaking.

Comment Re:How can the situation be improved? (Score 2, Interesting) 513

Do you pay to drive from one end of a WalMart parking lot to the other? It's private. Why aren't there any tolls?

Neighborhoods sometimes have private roads, and don't charge tolls. The residents pay for road upkeep through a property owner's association. Private roads through a business district could be maintained the same way, either through contracting work on their road or paying a road company in possession of the road a fee for its use. The net effect would be the same as paying for road maintenance through taxes, with the additional advantage that road owners don't have to go begging to the government to fix that pothole that's been growing for five months.

Comment Re:How can the situation be improved? (Score 0) 513

The government is meant to serve the people


The proper function of government is to identify human rights, codify them, and defend them. Anything else whatsoever is a usurpation that inevitably does more harm than good.

There are only 2 ways for government to serve: with slaves or by paying people to serve. The money to pay is taken from those who earn it by those who don't.

Comment Re:Drought is politically created (Score 1) 362

If it weren't for anti-child-labor laws and minimum-wage laws, a lot of the farm work attracting illegal immigrants could be done by the children of Americans. This is part of California's problem.

And "alternative sexual lifestyles" covers more ground than just homosexual couples: single parent families, and the irresponsible parents who are (in growing and unreported numbers) abandoning their children. Children need to be taught how to support themselves and nurture their own future children, rather than feel good about whatever they do and feel indignant about those who do support themselves

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