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Comment Re:Because? (Score 1) 587

All tyrants are polite - before they come to power.
Stallman is clearly a ...

LOL, when has RMS *ever* been 'polite'?

Love him or hate him, RMS says exactly what he believes, always, and he applies his beliefs with *brutal* consistency (and I admire that last bit even when I don't agree with him).

No, RMS could never 'come to power' simply because he doesn't know how to lie like a politician.

Comment Re:gone (Score 1) 1093

Why is the Medieval Warming Period completely eliminated by AGW "proofs"? Are you suggesting that documented colonization of Greenland by the vikings during the MWP followed by the gradual destruction of the colony during the Little Ice Age ... didn't happen?

It is true that the Norse colonised Greenland around 1000 CE, and failed around 1300 CE. If this is meant to imply that, at that time, Greenland must have been much warmer than it is today, or that the little ice age marked a dramatic drop in temperatures, it's misleading. The reality is that there were only 2 Norse settlements in Greenland, located in fjords on Greenland's west coast. The areas of both those settlements are quite green and hospitable today, and there are several farms there now (Eastern settlment area, and Eastern settlment map; Western settlment area, and Western settlement map. Just for reference, here is a zoom of the area of the Brattahlid and Gardar farms (two of the largest/richest farms), and a zoom of the Sandnes farm area from the Western settlment), so Greenland need not have been any warmer than today to have provided the Norse with sustainable settlements. Further the archaeological evidence from the sites implies the Norse hardly had an easy life: Greenland cows were the smallest ever known, largely due to malnutrition, and it seems the cows and sheep may have had to be force fed seaweed over the winter to keep them alive -- and this was pre the little ice age. The Norse also tended to rely on trips to the Eastern Canadian coast, most likely the Labrador area, for many things, most particularly wood. Read Collapse by Jared Diamond for a good account of the settlement and decline of Greenland colonies. Climate was a factor, but one among many, and it didn't require much of a shift since the colonies were already in the brink due to other factors.

Comment Re:Code Review (Score 1) 364

There are tools available to find out whether GPL / OpenSource code is used in your codebase. Normally, such tools have a huge repository which is continuously updated. I had seen a demo of one such tool few months back and I was really impressed. Obviously, the checking takes long time because of the size of the repository to compare with.

Comment Re:Vodka (Score 1) 770

Now if you know arcane keyboard shortcuts you can use them to move the window to reveal the offscreen button

How is Alt+Mouse drag combination an "arcane keyboard shortcut"? Don't tell me that an average user will not know that shortcut. It is just like any other "arcane" shortcut (like Alt+Tab) in Windows. If a user is using Ubuntu for long enough time, he/she will know the shortcut - regardless of the skill levels.

Comment Re:So Who's Apologizing for 'ttp' ? (Score 1) 620

Of course, rarely do I find myself typing anything other than the domain and TLD (i.e. slashdot.org, mail.google.com, woot.com) so this has really become a non-issue.

Better still - I just type sitename and press Ctrl+Enter and browser automatically adds "www." and ".com". For ".org", I just need to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. It is a great help, and works in Firefox, Chrome and IE, at least.

Comment Re:Criminal vs Civil (Score 1) 82

I am not sure whether piracy is a criminal offense or not in Japan, but I do know that if you go to watch a movie in Tokyo, you almost always get the advertisement on piracy before movie starts. In the ad, a guy with a video camera for his head is sitting in a movie hall, and shooting the movie. Few shots later, police comes in and shoots the camera-head guy; blood is splashed on the screen.

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