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Comment Re:He's good. (Score 1) 198

You really don't understand banking at all.

Neither, it would appear, do you.

I can't open a bank and magically create money to deposit into your account in the form of a loan. That money must come from somewhere - and does come from somewhere.

Shit, have you even heard of capital adequacy, and the regulations mandating it?

Comment How is it a "rite of passage"? (Score 4, Insightful) 49

They're getting cracked because they're not paying attention to their security.

After resetting users passwords, Twitch initially introduced longer password character requirements, but had to dial back its new 20-character password length requirement to 8 characters after users complained.

Fuck you! If you cannot detect and mitigate a brute force attack then hire someone who can.

Twitch also said it encrypted passwords, but warned that hackers might have been able to capture passwords in the clear as users were logging on.

And make sure you know the difference between encrypted and hashed.

Comment Re:*sigh* (Score 4, Informative) 306

Huh? You can just forward classified material to non-secure servers outside of a classified network? I think not!

As Secretary of State she would have access to incredibly sensitive material.

A couple of things, that might set your mind at ease. According to reports:

  1. Ms. Clinton did not "forward" material to her private server. People were just emailing to her at her personal email address at "clintonemail.com".
  2. Those emails she received considered to be official business, her staff forwarded to the State Department for their IT operators to save.
  3. She also produced a huge amount of documents to various Congressional Committees.
  4. None of these emails were classified. They appear to have been sent to her unencrypted
  5. Sensitive material never went through this email system.
  6. Apparently the State Department isn't very good at IT. They only recently were able to figure out how to even just save Secretary Kerry's email; his top staff using the @state.gov address still do not have their email records saved. So by using @clintonemail.com, HRC likely was preserving more email than if she'd saved used an @state.gov address.
  7. Personal emails (and presumably spam) was not sent on. But no law covers that anyway.

This is much akin to the media breathlessly discovering that Hillary Clinton also has a private phone number, which maybe official calls were received. Except that because this is "email", it's totally different somehow. (By which I mean, as she's the presumptive Democratic nominee, the nutcases and conspiracy loons are going to do their nutcase conspiracy theorizing, which Blogs and FOX will pick up - because it sells eyeballs.)

Comment Re:Scott Adams & Gender Bias (Score 1) 349

The 73 cents on the dollar lie

It's surprisingly close to the truth. For every dollar a man earns, a woman gets 73 cents.

This leaves the man with 27 cents, but feminists still appear to think this is unfair.

Ok, I'm joking. The truth is that a married man will only spend 40% of his income - his wife will spend the other 60%. Unless they're divorced, in which case he only gets 30%.

Comment Re:"Women" have done no such thing (Score 1) 349

Yeah, damn those inconvenient confounding factors like greater experience and longer hours.

Surprising, that when you compare single childless women in their twenties to single childless men in their twenties, that the women earn more than the men. Damn that shitty statistic, for not complying with the almighty feminist agenda.

Fuck you.

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