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Comment Re:Netflix should become an ISP and compete with t (Score 3) 181

they can, just borrow $100 billion to build out a network, negotiate with every redneck and podunk town to get franchise rights to run their cables and spend more money for marketing to get customers

Or, pull a Google, and do one town at a time and watch the incumbents suddenly offer free peerage and lower rates.

Comment Re: Why is (Score 1) 201

If you've given up on them then support someone else's work that doesn't use DRM. Don't use TPB and justify it to yourself because it was inconvienent.

They are stealing our rights to privacy and free speech, so he is "stealing" a movie. You are right in that it is not a fair trade... But shooting them presents other problems.

Comment Re:Forgiveness later rather than permission up fro (Score 2) 59

Don't get me wrong, not all officers are this way. Many are selfless public servants who get paid a pittance to risk their lives every day. My hat goes off to all of them who are doing the job, regardless of their ego status. Just don't fool yourself, some of them have some serious ego issues.

There are many good cops. But until they go after the bad cops and run them off, all of them are represented by the assholes in the news.

Comment Re:Not good enough (Score 4, Insightful) 59

Why do these people lie to start with? It's their default. It's almost as if they thought we, the citizens and taxpayers, are the enemy.

When there are absolutely no consequences, why not? If there were real consequences for this carp, it would stop. (Something other than a pension and a book deal.)

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