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Comment Re:Please let the big car companies die. (Score 3, Interesting) 287

Big companies can innovate too - look at IBM Research. Just because the results arn't on sale on Amazon or in your local high street doesn't mean they don't exist. In fact for some innovations ONLY a big company has the money to do the blue sky research. Big Pharma - whatever you make think of them - being the prime example.

Comment You thought this was for our benefit? (Score 2) 119

Wake up. Very few people care about smart TVs - they just want a TV Essentially something they can plug other boxes into and can also receive OTA broadcasts. I don't remember anyone clamouring for all this half baked UI "experience" shit and 3rd rate "apps" being squeezed into TVs but manufacturers seem to think we want it and because there are hardly any "dumb" TVs around anymore we can only buy smart TVs so the manufacturers claim its what we want. Circular reasoning , much?

Comment Re:Moral (Score 1) 124

"Sure, my idea requires a smartphone with data access"

Yeah, it seems like you're missing the point. I don't want to have to carry around ANY sort of device to use my credit card. What if I lose it? What if the battery dies? What if the app fails?

Technology is supposed to make life easier, not harder.

Comment Re:Moral (Score 0, Troll) 124

"With phones being so ubiquitous"

Speak for youself. I dont own a smartphone because I dont need an over priced toy computer in my pocket. Why should I be forced to buy one just to make a fucking purchase??

"Pop up a QR code at the register, scan it with a visa app, enter your credentials, and the payment is done"

Blah blah. Or use PIN codes like europe have done for almost 20 years.

Comment Muscles and brains are not mutually exclusive (Score 2) 170

So I don't understand why this seems to come as a surprise to a lot of people. We're physical *and* mental beings, you need to exercise both aspects to be truly healthy IMO. However there do seem to be far to many people who focus on one to the exclusion of the other (and even more who don't focus on either but thats for another argument).

Comment Re:Oh give it a rest (Score 1) 195

Take your own advice sonny and grow up. You're obviously just another know it all student arsewipe with lots of words and nothing to say and who thinks rude insults somehow make a killer point. They don't, they just make you sound like an 18 year old idiot. Which you probably are.

Comment Re:Now do the same for Russian & NK? (Score -1, Troll) 82

"Yet here you are, in your armchair picking safe fights with people on a harmless Internet forum. Bravo."

If you think I was picking a fight then you obviously have anger management issues and an inability to distinguish a threat from a disagreement. I'd recommend you seek help before you get into trouble on the street.

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