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Comment Misplaced credit (Score 1) 535

"United States' military's gift"
DARPA certainly contributed to the development of internet and the web as we know it today, but it is an erroneous simplification to ignore the work leading to TCP/IP and the work after that. Singling out one step in the chain of investments, research and innovations is intellectually lazy.

Comment No jurisdiction (Score 2) 604

"the Federal Communications Commission has the power to issue regulations that protect net neutrality."
No. They don't. But, they sure would like to, and will certainly pretend to.

That a sad thing with government, you can't trust it with the power to redefine its own power, as it will invariably be abused.

Comment Incentives -- subsidies (Score 1) 164

The article really means subsidies, which imply that the real incentives to switching don't actually quite make sense compared to the costs of switching. But Cerf thinks he knows best than other people involved, ignore or override the economics of the reality, and looks for ways to get his way without having to solve the costs problem or having to convince people. Convincing politicians to spend money that is not theirs (or Cerf's) is special interest lobbying,which only invites further special interest lobbying.

Comment Then don't do it (Score 1) 267

Unless something changed, nothing forces you or anybody to access the terms of the mechanical turk. Use it or don't.
Writing a review of the Turk is fine, but pulling in "employment lawyers" is completely pointless.

"Trade unions disagree, saying that anyone undertaking work deserves proper remuneration."
Of course, unions don't like competition; they will try to take advantage of government power to get some competitive advantages for its members. But if you listened to unions, we would also get ride of productivity tools and make free contributions to open source projects illegal.

Comment Job losses (Score 1) 1115

".... claims from organizations like the RIAA that piracy [...] costs thousands of jobs. "
Such claims about job loses make no economic sense from the start anyways. If people pay less for something, they have more money to spend on other things. If the music busiess becomes unprofitable due to piracy, then the jobs will shift to more profitable activities, over time.

Comment Police Officers Seek Right Not To Be Watched (Score 1) 1123

Please avoid deliberate sensionalist terms like "guns", shooting and weapons in this context. In any case, my body (including my eyes and my brain) are my property. The police has no right to force me to keep them shut, unless I violated someone else's rights. Same thing for my camera. Filming, just like watching, is doing nothing wrong by itself.

Comment Right... (Score 1) 115

Yeah. Once the FCC gets its foot in door of regulating the internet, it will start embracing its new role in defining a better web. Oh, but wait, isn't the FCC more of a "central authority" than any ISP?!

Please keep government out of the internet. We will all have a better internet for it. All the comments and opinions above are important. But they should be voiced as customers, who are free to patron the ISPs that do the best job of meeting their expectations. When you start to involve the government, to try and force ISPs to provide a certain service, you are pretty much guaranteed to get un-intented side-effects. For one, ISPs will ramp up their lobbying effort, as that is the new game (instead of competing on the best product), which will continue to corrupt government.
Welcome to crony capitalism.

Comment Cost comes from consumer value, not production (Score 1) 536

The cost of things comes from how much consumers are willing to pay, not how much it costs to make. An illustration of this is that man go to much effort to find pearls because they are valuable. They are not valuable because of the effort. In terms of how much profits are justified, any profit is justified. If they were not justified (usually by risk and uncertainty), then more people would shift to this field and compete (thus lowering profits).

Comment Re:Vertical Stability and Durability (Score 1) 196

In a way a stabilized lens causes additional complications: the visual system is designed to scan things, in order to see them. If you hold an object fix relative to the eye, with retinal stabilization (, it disappears after a few seconds. So displaying one pixel for one second is ok, but displaying text will require some even smarter engineering.

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