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Comment Mechanical Horrors (Score 5, Informative) 119

I deployed about 200 of these things in an industrial environment (control rooms in a steel plant). They are small and perform rather good.
The electrical connection between the the JackPC and its shell is terrible! Some are so weak, that you only have to bump into the table and they lose connection.
It's so bad we considered soldering a short cat5 pigtail directly to the damn things and fix everything with hot glue...

Game Devs Warming Up To More Mature-Rated Games On the Wii 129

With the success of the Grand Theft Auto franchise responsible for the majority of publisher Take Two Interactive's earnings in the past year, the company's executives are looking more and more at expanding their M-rated products onto the typically family-friendly Wii. Take Two's CEO said, "Even though we think M-rated content is much more appropriate for the PS3 or 360, we have to look at the Wii as a viable platform across all our labels. We have to, because we can't ignore the installed base. You just can't." They're already planning to release GTA: Chinatown Wars for the DS to test the waters on a Nintendo platform, hoping for a better result than the controversy over Manhunt 2 last year.

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HELP!!!! I'm being held prisoner in /usr/games/lib!
