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Comment Re:Worth anything? (Score -1) 82

Ohh boo-hoo nobody cares ....  spare us this enotocentric nancyboi crap. Nobody cares about the  Ethiops, nobody cares about you and noone care about me. Repeat this  human truth until it hurts no more. Then advise that Ethiopians for the last 5000 years or so have been sharp enough to care for themselves.  I'm excluding here  the injection of  Brit faggot, Italian fascist and camel-fyucking Muzzi influence.

Comment Ubiqitus broadband = waste of value (Score -1) 413

What can an IQ=80 Bantu do with bilious bandwidth, but scam/pimp/make pr0n? He gonna invent the next FFT ??  Nix not no nyet! Pure waste. It's what happens when you allow a stateless Levantine to finance a Kenyon Muzzi-wog -turned Chi.town hood into seasoned & packaged  POTUS.

Feckin-A diseased lib.coms just will not stop until ... stopped.

Comment No strings, no knots, no brains ... er branes. (Score -1) 148

Thirty years of BS! NO explanations/no predictions/no need! Worse than inflation, TMS  and AGwarmism combined. Strings ARE  a grant.pimping device meant to bloom tenure ... like a field of poison ivy blooms shine.  You be itchen' like a hound, the minute a string-paper goes down .... poisooon I..veeee, poisooon i..veeee ...

Comment History teaches: castrate a few of the biznazi ilk (Score -1) 156

OKey for the yeomanry to be chemically castrated for the pleasure and profit of modern  chem.tek biznazi ... but history teaches should that shoe be placed on the other foot then a kinder/gentler Padronish heart  may appear. Legal too!  In context of current American merchantile oligarchy I JURY vote innocent by reason of self defence.

Think about it: Americans spent 700,000 lives aggrandizing Bantu savages into welfare clowns.  If we spent another 700,000 lives retrieving  primitive American values from sociopath globalist grifters would we have paid more or less for value received? 

Comment You want right PAddy me boyo? (Score -1) 623

Ya want Bantu rights, ya got bangerboi mall-fyucks ... you want wettbakkks rights, ya got narcoMEX cocaine mules ... ya want faglez rights, ya got NAMBLAized middle-schools ... nice feckin-A job PAddy the drunken black-Irish stooge. I guess the NI Orangemen kicked so much shit out of you it has to hang around some-place. 

Comment Re:Not the Issue (Score -1) 164

Reform ? Lots ?? Recidivism ??? Std. feckin-A shithead lib.com tripe. First... the perp costs society  by victim-pain and lost opportunity costs already invested by society in the b*stard. Now a second helping ... pimp-da-perp to reward him for his crime by special attention and numb-numbs ... yep. Makes lots of sense to a feckin-A lib.com bleeding heart; they would  rather give blo-jobs to murderers than a trip to ol'Sparky!  I'd give most a fag, a blindfold and 10-min to make their piece ... then 7 180-grain steel-tips. Next.

Comment Re:How about ... (Score -1) 531


Likely 95% of the /. crowd **block all ads**.  I do ... and  with specific exceptions always have; always  since I first hit-the-web in 1998.  Then I paid my ISP for bandwidth etc:  the WWW has not improved. A "commerce-discrete" WWW centred about USENET-GROUPS,  UTUBE-like selfies, weblogs,  and personal hobby-websites would be just fine with me. Clever commercialized websites will still surely exist -- just that dumb, intrusive  attempts get their d*cks cut off. 

Comment You wanted chi.com business .... (Score -1) 100

... you got sky.infested chi.com business. Who thought otherwise?
Best to flog bloody-backed the top 1000 biz-nazis who have pimped chi.com trade. Throw in a couple dozen politicians and think-tank **bathing-beauties**.  Strip them neked of all properties and money, decimate flogged survivors and  sell trophy wives and snark children to Saudi whore-houses. ROMAN JUSTICE baby really cleans house. And provides a quick lesson that would not be soon forgotten.

Then a single USA tariff motif will do --- use it here / make it here. EOF.

Comment Computer teaching analogous to whores come-on (Score -1) 387

No chalk no pencils? Worse than taking-away Gauss' feathered quill & Einsteins pipe! Whoring education failure ought to be rewarded.....  history teaches that  leather flogs taken to  M$ edu-pimps will return huge  student learning improvements for millions , at the price of a few dozen bloody-backed sniggering Seattle denizens.  Seattle-ites are VERY snark,  hoe-mongering entitled folks ... history again teaches that dealing out some pain will do wonders for their  true productivity and  coddled, nancy-boi sense of  value.   

Comment Re:Affirmative Action (Score -1, Troll) 529

Not when Neolith Bantu are  collectively so stupid, lazy and violent. Analogous to permanently disabled workers, injured on the job, and now bitter & permanently supported by the gub'mnt. Too bad the Bantu disability is seriously genetic ( mean IQ=80 & **no long tail** ) and profoundly cultural - the porch-monkey-syndrome.

No trivial  solution exists within a republican politic -- if most Bantu died out fast ALL would be better-off.   For every Willie Brown and J. Jackson there are 1000 Bantu feebs and carb-sucking babymomaz; no for'ard cultural ansatz is possible with that much dead weight!

Comment Re:USA in good company... (Score -1, Flamebait) 649

Yes indeed, butcher-out the feckin-A Muzzi-wogs here in the USA  and in their desert shitwhole viper-nests.  Isis dog-fyuckers naturally, but also Pak-i and Saudi-A come to mind. Just a few-dozen nukes would stone-age those pestilent "societies" ( rotted since Darius ) & kill-millions of Wogs making the point --- don't ever fyuck with white-Christian culture; nobody slaughters like a Christian slaughters. Jews as Semite fellow-travellers are apprised to keep their mouths shut. 

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