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Comment Re:Well done! (Score -1, Flamebait) 540

Yep. If you butchered-off the wettbakkk border-jumpers at-entrance then you simply don't have the issue of **entitled** foreign invaders. WTF did that concept even come from? USA wealth belongs to USA citizens --  monies, land and opportunity-costs and are to be struggled for **to the death** as needed of bleeding-heart traitorous SJWs.

Comment Re:The real extinction (Score -1, Flamebait) 93

A 6-th extinction? Not happening now !  I don't see drooling, bleeding heart lib.coms (liberal communists) dying off nearly as fast as justified by their anti-survival traits and underfoot over-population. Guess only the leaps count ----  where are the asteroids when we really need them?

Comment Contributing edits to WikiP is too hard (Score -1) 186

Crudely speaking ...... let's say editing a WikiP topic is as tough as getting **gFTP** to work.  The **gFTP** desktop penetration is about 1%.  So ...  such a hill-climb  in byteboi-land eliminates 99% of all web-user contributors  with specific content expertize. No wonder what remains is an inbred witchly crew of  literalist gnomes dancing about their verbal iron kettle of brewfalse.   

Comment Drooling bitchy article (Score -1) 365

Can humans rebuild without carbon-fuel  after an HIV-like  lib.com apocalypse? NO ... of-course not. We humans red-in-tooth-and-claw will again enslave or slaughter our plant resources -- just as we do whales, sheep and weaker tribes/cultures -- scotching the suicidal Jonestown trope bytch-Gaia  plans for every member of her native Earth whore-house.

We will burn oil, wood, baby-seal blubber and coal,  then Bantu and true Scotsmen  ... those BTUs gotta come from somewhere.  1.0 wasted BTU = 1/2 BTU smarts. The strong will be known-after to do-as-they-will ... build, expand, complexify.  Weak, lazy, stupid and unlucky mammals will be fodder and do as they must. Have a nice day. 

Comment Ocean water solution for California ? (Score -1) 332

Most certainly:

1) You pimp peons pad're? If not, then drive all border-jumping, narco.MEX wetbakkks (7,000,000) into the sea. Lots of spare drinking water then for a robust Anglo culture.

2) Feed Wilsonesque Gaia-blojobbing emotocents to the white pointers gaily swimming about seaside Esalen Institute --- fruits and nuts are so yum to the piscatorial taste-bud system. Make Gub'nor Brownstreak 1st !

3) Force La. chotoz  and baby.momaz to eat their own sewage instead of piping it into sea-lanes meant for tuna and salmon.   

Comment Re:Marijuana's capacity to REVEAL TRUTH (Score -1) 291

Harm ... guns ... ownership? I don't see thousands of pestilent, slabbering  soph-lit lib.coms being blown away in a virtuous fury of (re)publican vigilante justice. Campus SJWs spew dependent, faggish tropes like Woody Allen grooming his next 12-yo lay.  No payback in sight. Most  careful readers-of-history would judge this titsup tolerance  a **lost opportunity**.

Comment Cripple the swift ...pimp the whiners (Score -1) 892

Yes indeed --- lib.com SJW sluts like Pao would cripple the swift and blind the far-sighted. No surprise. What else can you do when pimping feminazi bimboz and Bantu bangers as teknocrate marvels ? Of-course what did Michele O recently snark ... that Harvard Laws' high standards were abusive ... they just were not the Bantu way .... ohmeohmy what values do you cherish and who did you fecking-A  frisco-disco geek lib.coms elect ?

Comment Bad navigating (Score -1) 442

One mistake leads to another. History teaches if Zuckerfyuck and Ballbuster drove their  vehicles into water-filled ditches (Kennedies were good at that) there would be lots less H1-B argyebargle  and much more glubglubglub .... **REM** accidents are natures way of cleaning out the cruft. 

Comment Re:I wonder (Score -1) 258

You're fyucked batboi.  As I read history,  over-road truck-drivers LOVE their jobs. LUBLUBLUB their jobs  seriously enough to shoot-out tires of robo-slut replacements. Ratatatatat! BOOOM goes the tire --- splat goes the robo-slut truck. Lots of  empty road ... lots of  mil.spec  ex-drivers ... lots of guns ... 

Comment ANC responds properly to bytch Feinstein (Score -1) 538

Threats against individual sovereign-citizen liberty are viewed by WWW as damage, excised or cauterized and rooted around. Neo-Stalinist agitprop  spewing Feinstein serves as a prime example.

Apologies to southron fiddlers .....

Boil that clorox down, down
Filter them pig-piss round
The only thing I ever did see
Was boil that clorox down.

Comment Re:Blame the lawyer surplus.... (Score -1) 278

Any reason not to gulag every-other shyster? Especially the entitled Ivy-league buffalo. Send 'em to the same Utah desert death-dump as fa... er,  pedophiles.  Isolation 10'x10'barb-wire. Tent+bread+water and as many scorpions as they can catch ---toast 'em up like crawfish! Nothing else till they die. 

Comment Re:So What (Score -1) 324

Admire and push-for'ard the metally deficient? How totally fyucked are you batboi ? Instead the thoughtful (re)publican searches out, tests  and  pushes forward the most able ...  this watchful intolerance is in fact the free citizens most important task. It's called eugenics and is as correct today as when  bronze-age Spartan mothers demanded to see  athletic knee-and-thigh of  young woman  proposed as their sons wife.  No drooling fagotry either by the young-mans older  male lover ...  he ruthlessly judged  **Spartan** in each girl and eliminated the unfit!  So for any non-suicidal culture; the  "small-brainer"/deficient/unfit/slacker  are to be eliminated as promptly/humanely as possible.  Sorry  median IQ=80 Bantu-billy it's back to Togaland for you and do this much right ---  take your spineless cosmopolitan pimps with you.

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