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Comment Re:This appears to be bogus (Score 1) 121

There's plenty of Christians in this country who seem to think that not allowing them to discriminate against non-Christians and not allowing them to tailor the laws according to their personal preference is hateful and bigoted. I'm not sure how many of them there are (I don't know any) but they exist and are pretty loud. Therefore, I don't accept a Christian's claim that somebody is maligning them. I like to see what the people are saying before passing judgment.

Christians are not alone in their oversensitivity, of course, but your comment was about them.

Also, are you claiming that calling someone a coward is not a personal attack, or that Facebook should tolerate personal attacks from the right people?

Comment Re:"save environment for women" (Score 1) 223

What happens to the woman who reports the rape? The natural thing for the company to do is to try to hush it up, and if she pushes the case accuse her of slander and fire her. The chances of getting any justice done in a case like this are pretty low, as long as the rape doesn't actually leave evidence of violence. There are cases of sexual harassment where a woman is told that she'll put out if she wants to keep her job or get a promotion (there's also cases where the woman volunteers sexual favors for employment, so it's really hard to prove). I'm comfortable in calling sex coerced by threats rape, myself. (And, yes, this is known to happen with female bosses and male employees, although I suspect it's less common.)

So, neither of us knows how much this happens, and neither of us knows how to find out how much this happens.

Comment Re:It's unfortunate they have to shut down (Score 1) 223

However, there are a lot of perjorative words that people associate with a lack of thought. If you come up with evidence that somebody is a showoff without the requisite skills, that can be convincing (I haven't noticed that one group is more prone to showoffs than others, but they do tend to use different tactics). It's far easier to call her an SJW or feminazi, which is why it's generally unconvincing. I could come up with a disparaging name to call people that I think are like you, but that wouldn't be useful either.

Do not get yourself into a position where slogans take the place of thought and accusations the place of evidence.

Comment Re:Mishandling handles (Score 1) 285

One of my most destructive bugs was because we were using a single variable to hold one value that was used to mean two different things. I was the lucky guy who wrote the line of code that modified the value to be correct for one use but not the other. When one is writing code that winds up in CNC machines, the results can be spectacular.

Comment Re:You are not qualified to debug your own code (Score 1) 285

When micro-optimizing the code, you need to know what's good and what isn't. Old advice can screw up optimizations on more modern compilers.

For much of my youth, I was told that unrolling loops was good for performance, and quite a few years ago I sped up a slow section by rolling the loops up as tight as I could. My best guess was that my version was much more cache-friendly, but what I did know was that my profiling showed a very large speedup.

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