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Comment Re:If you can't fail, why bother playing? (Score 1) 507

I'm sure I could find a kinder way to phrase this if I cared to try, but don't be fucking retarded.

Saving my game right before I plunge into a room full of enemies with limited cover and even more limited ammo doesn't prevent me from dying once, twice, a hundred times before I develop a winning strategy. It doesn't mean that I win just for showing up. It does mean I get to focus my effort on overcoming the challenge at hand, rather than being forced to replay some arbitrary chunk of the game over and over again just to get to the bit that overwhelmed me. (Why should the penalty for failure be endless tedium? That sounds too much like real life to qualify as entertainment.)


Researchers Test Whether Sharks Enjoy Christmas Songs Screenshot-sm 142

Scientists plan to test whether sharks enjoy listening to Christmas pop songs, after US research showed fish could recognize melody. Chris Brown, senior marine biologist at the Loch Lomond aquarium, said seasonal music would be played through walkthrough underwater tunnels where they can be heard by dozens of nurse sharks, black-tip reef sharks, and ray species. Experts will then monitor the sharks' reactions to different songs. We'll play everything from Kim Wilde and Mel Smith's Rocking Around the Christmas Tree and Merry Christmas Everybody by Slade to Wham's Last Christmas. We may find they prefer something softer like White Christmas by Bing Crosby," Brown said. Thank you for answering this question science.

Comment Re:Whom is the better? (Score 1) 188

Parent is very nearly correct: the Acid test series purposely test CSS edge cases in order to catch rendering bugs. The CSS they use to do so looks very little like any CSS you would be likely to find in a production web site. That doesn't invalidate Acid, but it should be recognized that the tests are essentially synthetic, and any results should be evaluated with that understanding.

Comment Re:Fascism vs. Socialism: false dichotomy (Score 2, Informative) 752

Bullshit. The German Workers' Party renamed themselves the National Socialist German Workers' Party to capitalize on the popularity of socialism in Weimar Germany. They were never remotely "left-wing". Their primary political opponents prior to taking power in 1933 were the Social Democratic Party of Germany, the most popular left-wing party in pre-war Germany.

Comment Re:I'll say. (Score 1) 213

Good point. Looks like the executable is only 135K or so. Still enormous compared to the original 8K ROM, and more than twice the size of the Farbrausch emulator. Guess most of that overhead goes to interfacing with the host OS, but it still intuitively seems a little excessive.


Submission + - Scientists and Theorists Respond to Chris Anderson (edge.org)

uhlume writes: "Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson's recent polemical essay, 'The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete,' sparked impassioned (and occasionally bemused) response from Slashdot readers when it landed here on Slashdot last week. Many dismissed Anderson's polemic as little more than a journalistic stunt, a manufactured controversy to attract attention to himself and the magazine. Even so, the questions his essay raises are, if divisively stated, arguably worth addressing on their own merits.

In this week's edition of Edge magazine, Edge brings together several notable scientists and science writers from among The Reality Club — George Dyson, Kevin Kelly, Stewart Brand, Danny Hillis, Sean Carroll, Jaron Lanier and Joseph Traub — to weigh in with their own responses to Anderson's essay. As usual, the results are thought-provoking, and well worth reading."

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