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Comment Re:Gotten better? I don't think so (Score 1) 183

If the alternative isn't GNOME or XFce but instead "just" a window manager, then KDE is indeed far more resource-intensive than the alternatives.

Compare your stripped-down KDE with fvwm2, e16 or twm. Go ahead and leave out your launcher, desktop and everything: compare *just* kwin. It's far, far heavier.

When you need "Just a WM" it's better to avoid the DE-focused WMs.

Comment Re:Once again we are caught in the middle... (Score 1) 97

This is why I *do* torrent. I'm perfectly happy to buy when someone will sell me what I want, but when they won't *I'm going to get it anyway*, let the anti-consumer business beware. If what I want is a video I own and can watch whenever and wherever, and keep in my personal archive, then I'm going to get it no matter what laws they buy or technical restrictions they try to enforce. There's nothing immoral about having it your way and I'm going to continue to vote with my economic feet by not buying from those who won't sell me what I want. They can adapt and profit or go out of business, it's all the same to me.

Comment Re:Group Improv Storytelling (Score 1) 197

I was going to say this, too. Dorkness Rising captures the feel and some of the fun of playing D&D in an easy to consume 1.5 hour movie format. Some things are easier understood by experiencing them instead of having them merely explained, but in case you can't convince someone to play cold you can give them this vicarious experience.

If you haven't seen this movie and you read slashdot, you need to.

Comment Re:The stupid! It hurts! (Score 1) 287

You can hardly blame people for wanting a more robust desktop, with applications that don't start randomly crashing when the sysadmin (or an automated script) runs a background update.

Sure I can. It's an engineering problem they opted to solve in the worst possible way: Not solve it at all. I blame people for being lazy.

Comment Re:The stupid! It hurts! (Score 1) 287

While I agree with your sentiment your poor grasp of the facts harms the argument you are making by making you appear to be an ignorant fool.

Debian has not "Handled updated and major upgrades flawlessly for decades," Debian has only handled this for *years*. Debian has not yet reached its 20th anniversary, and apt did not exist at its founding (much less in a flawless form).

You cannot have a host that started on potato in the mid 1990s because potato was released in 2000. The only "Mid '90s" Debian releases were Buzz and Rexx. I don't consider the release of Bo in 1997 to be "mid" enough, I count it as "late" 90s.

Nevertheless, I have personally experienced what you experience: A system installed as potato that is still running today using the current stable. Debian's package system, package manager, policy and culture contribute to a high quality system where updates work smoothly and do not require reboots.

Comment Re:Like Microsoft Excel? (Score 2) 245

Oh yes, plus one million insightfuls to you, sir.

I quit a job over this kind of thing. What it comes down to is that they either hired you for your expertise and respect it or they don't, and if they don't someone else will. No matter where I go I'm constantly fighting the what/how battle: You tell me what, I decide how. Mostly there is no problem with this if I begin with a non-confrontational explanation of why it has to be that way.

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