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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 9 declined, 3 accepted (12 total, 25.00% accepted)


Submission + - Protest on Wall Street Thursday Afternoon

Un pobre guey writes: Naomi Klein has a post on her site helping promote No Bailout for Wall Street — Protest on Wall Street on Thursday September 25 2008. From the blurb: "This week the White House is going to try to push through the biggest robbery in world history with nary a stitch of debate to bail out the Wall Street bastards who created this economic apocalypse in the first place. This is the financial equivalent of September 11. They think, just like with the Patriot Act, they can use the shock to force through the 'therapy,' and we'll just roll over!... It's socialism for the rich and dog-eat-dog capitalism for the rest of us." Strong stuff. How bad is it? Is it truly cataclysmic, as the scuttlebutt has it, or are we being robbed blind? Is it both?

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