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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 15 declined, 0 accepted (15 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Substitute teacher convicted on porn charge

rilian4 writes: "eSchool News online(http://www.eschoolnews.com/ Free registration required to see more than the first page) has the following: A substitute teacher in Connecticut has been convicted of exposing middle school students to porn but she claims she was the victim of pop-up ads and spyware...

From the article: "A substitute teacher in Connecticut has been convicted of exposing students to pornography on a classroom computer in a high-profile, and controversial, case. Prosecutors claim she clicked on pornographic web sites, but the teacher says she's the victim of graphic pop-up images generated by spyware and adware."

This is a brutally unfair conviction. I am an IT staffer at a high school and anyone w/ half a brain should know this substitute did nothing wrong here. Pop-up porn is sometimes very very difficult to get rid of and I would not expect a sub to know how to do it. Her story as related in the article is very believable to me as someone who is in IT in a school.

I hope she appeals and gets this overturned. A conviction like this can and will ruin her life.
I am posting this story here in the hopes her case makes a big news splash. This needs more attention!

Get the full story here: http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/showStory.cfm?Arti cleID=6873 test"
Media (Apple)

Submission + - Cisco sues Apple over iPhone trademark

rilian4 writes: According to yahoo, Cisco apaprently owns the trademark to the name "iPhone" and is suing Apple over its upcoming iPhone release. Cisco apparently owns the trademark from an acquisition and released their own iPhone a few weeks ago...

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