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What Micro-Controller Would You Use to Teach With? 175

Rukie asks: "I'm looking into starting some sort of robotics class for my high school, which severely lacks any sort of technological classes. I am now wondering what micro-controllers are best for an educational environment. I definitely want something more advanced than the Legos, but something that won't fly over people's heads. Are there cheap, scaleable micro-controllers for learning in a classroom or at home? I'm curious how my fellow readers have hacked up toys to make their own robotics at minimal cost."

Submission + - Seclists.Org shut down by Myspace and GoDaddy

korozion writes: "Fyodor reports that SecLists.Org security mailing list archive was down most of yesterday (Wed). He continues on talking about what happened ... "I woke up yesterday morning to find a voice message from my domain registrar (GoDaddy) saying they were suspending the domain SecLists.org. One minute later I received an email saying that SecLists.org has "been suspended for violation of the GoDaddy.com Abuse Policy"." The whole message can be seen at http://seclists.org/nmap-hackers/2007/0000.html"

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