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Comment Re:Hi speed chase, hum? (Score 1) 443

Many police departments now have a policy of not performing chases for non-violent crimes because, statistically, you're more likely to kill bystanders by chasing than by letting the criminal drive off.

Given that it's a Tesla (and a dealer-owned one at that), was a chase necessary at all? I suspect that Tesla Corp could have given the police a live feed of the car's GPS co-ordinates at any time?

Comment Re:Life on Mars? (Score 3, Insightful) 265

No one will EVER live in a permanent space colony. Sorry.

While I share your pessimistic outlook for the foreseeable future, forever is a really long time. Are you willing to say that absolutely nobody will be living in a permanent space colony in 100 years? 500 years? 10,000 years? If so, what makes you so certain?

Comment Re:ridiculous (Score 2) 608

Experience and training is not very important as long as you know how to write good code that's efficient and makes sense to others.

And how did you learn to write good code that's efficient and make sense to others? Maybe you're the rare case of a person that can just intuit what is good code and what isn't, but I think most developers (including myself) learn how to write good code by first writing lots of bad code, and then suffering the consequences until they learn from experience what works and what doesn't.

Comment Re:Amusing... (Score 2) 285

To the people who hired you, the most important thing is getting the product to work reliably so they can start making money with it. It won't matter at all how pretty the chart bubbles are in the design document, if the program crashes or is otherwise unusable. So score one for the talented programmers there.

Which is not to say software engineering isn't important -- only that exactly how important it is will vary with the size of the project. e.g. for a smaller project like a script or a one-off data processing program, just about any design (or no design) can be made to work well enough. For a large program (or one that will eventually grow into a large program), detailed software engineering is necessary to prevent its eventual collapse under the weight of its own complexity.

Comment Re:Warp Drive (Score 4, Insightful) 564

Then you have never looked at a ten line C program to implement a PID control loop for a servo motor.

I don't think that would count as learning. That ten-line program will always do exactly what it was programmed to do, neither more nor less. An adaptive program (in the sense the previous poster was attempting to describe) would be one that is able to figure out on its own how to do things that its programmers had not anticipated in advance.

Comment Re:What about range on this smaller car? (Score 1) 247

if it got 60 miles electric I'd have to make sure I used the gas engine occasional to make sure it didn't have problems.

An interesting feature of the Volt is that it will handle this for you -- i.e. if the gas engine hasn't been used in a long enough time, the Volt's computer will force it to be used for a little while just to give it some exercise (and keep the gas in the tank from getting too stale IIRC).

Comment Re:Do we need HTML+Javascript at all? (Score 2) 104

Throw out HTML, throw out CSS, throw out JavaScript. Take the best *ideas* from them all, use C# (nothing to do with Microsoft though) and create a common framework on all platforms embracing those *ideas* and use OpenGL as the composition engine.

I'd try to explain the problems with this line of thinking, but I think xkcd does a better job.

Comment Re:Haha (Score 1) 235

bullshit. I just was in an accident as a cyclist earlier this year, not wearing any protection. none would have protected me, I broke my wrist and i have a serious shoulder injury.

Your single data point doesn't demonstrate anything one way or another about "most accidents".

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