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Comment Re:Solution (Score 1) 236

A Russian can import goods from China into the United States. They pay duties and other fees at the border of the United States as the goods enter the country; even if they intend to pay Americans to take the product.

The internet needs some kind of enforced border to ensure duties and other fees are paid on content as they arrive. The ads, in this case, would require payment in order to be presented to an Italian client. The "good" is being consumed by an Italian and taxes/fees should be paid when it crosses the border or by the local company regardless of where the purchaser or the manufacturer are located.

Comment Re:1% (Score 1) 148

I ... can crank out pretty much bug free code until the cows come home.

In my experience, one never stops creating bugs, they just get more subtle and harder to find. Nothing personal against you of course, but the statement above calls to mind the study that demonstrated how the less a person knew about a particular topic, the higher his level of confidence about his competence in that topic.

Comment Re:Fingerprint != user authentication (Score 1) 138

I don't see why this is a problem for me using a credit card.

Credit card companies (well, retailers) take on the risk of fraud themselves. When you see a charge you didn't make, you call up Mastercard and let them know. A few days and an affidavit later and the charges are reversed.

If this was a bank issuing a debit card I would be concerned. Getting debit charges reversed is nearly impossible IME.

Comment Re:Oracle-friendly site(s) (Score 2) 174

MongoDB makes a great caching layer.

Write your data to Pg into a permanent data-store. Use a trigger to push the data into MongoDB (foreign data wrapper).

Enjoy the query benefits of Mongo and the reliability of Pg with the caveat that you need to occasionally rebuild your cache (MongoDB copy).

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