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Comment Re:Lack of vision (Score 1) 617

HAHAHAHA Decades behind? Really? You clearly have no experience with "real" enterprise management. If Linux is so far behind why are linux/unix admins almost always paid significantly more and able to manage WAY more systems than their windows equivalents?

Comment Re:Hey, look, I can quote too! (Score 1) 1238

Atheism has nothing to do with Stalin's murderous ways. In fact the entire argument is silly..... the original poster mentioned "atheist values". Those don't exist. An atheist doesn't believe in god.. that's it. Other than that an atheist could hold any views. Atheism is a not a set of beliefs and is not similar to an organized religion

Comment Re:The EFF should do itself a favor (Score 1) 394

The problem is that there is no easy way to deal with non-commercial piracy. There will always be costs and trade-offs of doing so. How much of your freedom are you willing to surrender in order to stop these "pirates". Are you willing to have your internet connection monitored? Are you willing to have all computer use monitored? Are you willing to send 14 year olds to jail for copying music?

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