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User Journal

Journal Journal: Information on the Second Amendment

Regarding the recent discussion on /. about gun rights, there was an excellent website on the Second Amendment which contained all the significant cases as well as an exhaustive list of law review articles on the Second Amendment, both from pro and con gun rights perspectives. This is a matter of great personal interest to me, and I wanted to make the resource available to other /. readers.

The site, 2ndlawlib.com is no longer available, or else is available only intermittently. Try using the Wayback Machine to view it. You should also try the original site from time to time to see if it is back up and running. The Wayback machine is unfortunately very slow.

If you want to do some serious reading about the topic, you cannot do better than to read through this site.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Friends, Foes, and Freaks 2

I never really fooled much with the friends, foes, fans, and freaks stuff -- just basically ignored it. As it turns out, I have a few of each now. Just one "freak" though -- have to work on that.

I have no idea why I have been named friend, foe, freak, or fan by someone else, but to everyone: thanks for at least reading my comments. I generally try to avoid trolling, but because I almost never post as AC, I sometimes get modded that way. I have karma to burn, so there's no reason to hide from my opinions.

In any case, thanks for being interested enough one way or the other to mark me friend, foe, fan, or freak. If you think I'm an insufferable ass, please feel free to visit the journal from time to time to let me know.


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