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Comment Re:Yay! (Score 1) 845

I am pretty sure that you can patent tamper-proof devices such as these screws and the corresponding tools, and I seem to recall a case where the patent holders militantly enforced their patent by having the tools removed from ebay. Unfortunately I can't recall the details beyond that.

In fact, I am pretty certain that in this case, the tools were actually manufactured legitimately but were only supposed to be available to authorized personnel through authorized channels.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

Between 36% and 93%, eh? That's a pretty uhh... wide metric, which makes me question the reliability of it.

I seem to recall reading that most M16s confiscated in Mexico came from the factory as full auto M16s, and most likely made their way onto the black market in Vietnam.

You can keep right on blaming the US for things, though, and I will keep right on laughing in your face.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

Nope. YOU can shut the fuck up.

I guess you're in favor of a whole slew of kneejerk legislation and regulations because of A SINGLE ISOLATED INCIDENT.

Go. Fuck. Yourself.

This country is jacked up enough as it is with all of the knee-jerk regulations that do nothing to solve any real problems. Look at all of the post 9/11 shit. Look at all of the moral panic laws that were passed in the 1800s and early 1900s that seem pretty fucking ridiculous today, but still exist.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166


Did I ever say that my gun was going to keep me 100% safe? I don't think that I did, because I know that it doesn't. However, it is available to help me when the police are not.

Like I said before, if you think the police are always going to be there to help you, you're dead, dead wrong. This is doubly or even triply so in a rural environment. I live in a suburb of a large city, and I bet you that it would still take the police at least 10 minutes to get here if I were to call 911 right now. A lot can happen in 10 minutes. My parents live in a very rural area and on a good day it's going to take the police at least 30 minutes to get to their house in the event of an emergency.

There's thousands of documented cases where lawfully armed citizens have defended themselves (and others) against unlawfully armed criminals and lunatics. Books have been written about them. I suggest reading a few of them.

Like I tell everybody: If you don't want to own a gun. That's fine. Nobody is twisting your arm and telling you that you need to do so. However, let those who exercise the PERSONAL CHOICE to own and legally use their guns continue to do so.

Now do you get it? I doubt it, because you're too fucking dense.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

It's nice to see that the tragedy in Arizona has given you a convenient platform to spew your nonsense. ..and you're wrong. As I have already pointed out to you, this country has gotten more and more permissive with gun laws. I own the present, and I will own the future too.

I am vain and ignorant? Heh, you've proven to us all that you're the vain and ignorant one. You think that the police are going to protect you, don't you? You fool. The police are under no legal obligation to protect you. The only person that can protect you is you.

I guess in your imaginary little world, the next time a crazy person starts shooting, 100 carloads of cops will show up and tragedy will be magically stopped like in the movies. What a dumbass you are.

My 12 year old son can shoot nearly as well as what I can with a rifle, and someday he'll be taught how to handle a handgun as well. So I imagine that if you ever come out of your apartment long enough to get laid and you actually procreate, my child and your child will be having this same conversation, and once again, the gun owners will be prevailing. Yeah you might be in one of the minority of states with FASCIST gun laws, but that's ok. The rest of the US could give fuck all about NYC, Chicago, and LA or your citified, nonsense. Get out in the world a little bit. You've already shown that you know very little outside of your own little Manhattan world. What a strange place it would be for you to venture to some faraway land such as Vermont or probably, for you, New Jersey.

You're an idiot.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

No, stupid, I have the right to defend myself from those who wish to harm me.

The last time I checked, Mexico was getting most of it's illegal firearms from South America, not the US.

What am I plucking out of my arse and calling a fact?

The fact that you say "arse" means you're some snaggle-toothed Brit who's opinion means nothing to me, anyhow.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

I'm simply telling you that you have no idea what you are talking about, kiddo.

I know you're not going to take my guns away from me, ever. The harder that you ultra-liberal types push to take those rights away from us, the harder gun owners push back. Therefore, instead of seeing a decrease in gun rights in this country, I see states granting more rights to gun owners. Does this bother you? Do you hate it that I legally own both an AK-47 and a tactical shotgun and that they are both loaded and readily accessible in my home? Don't you hate it that there's a little card in my wallet that bears my thumbprint that allows me to carry a concealed pistol in 24 different states? The fact is, Sir, that your opinion is in the MINORITY and therefore doesn't matter.

You say "someone like you" like you know me or something. Dude, you don't know jack shit about me, so don't even play that little game. Just keep holed up in your shitty little Times Square apartment and let the rest of the world go about its business.

You have a right to your opinion, and you have the right to never own a firearm. I see you are exercising both of those rights today. Good for you.

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