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Comment Re:"Death to Gamers and Long Live Videogames" (Score 1) 1134

You mean like all the great references from the article? Hey let's ask the people that are trying to downplay this situation what their take on the whole thing is?

But here you go: reference. He didn't review it. He just gave it title spot and listed it as a stand out.

I found this by actually following one of the references from the article.

What I found out by following those references: she started sleeping with him in May. This article was published in January. To quote Gjoni's account:

To be clear, if there was any conflict of interest between Zoe and Nathan regarding coverage of Depression Quest prior to April, I have no reason to believe that it was sexual in nature.


It is therefore irrelevant.

Comment Re:"Death to Gamers and Long Live Videogames" (Score 1) 1134

That was written by one of the people she slept with. The one that the article said claimed never wrote a favourable review of her game.

Personally I would count "There are thousands of these games and this one stands out the most" to be a pretty favourable review.

Yes, but according to the account written by her ex, it was written 4 months before she started sleeping with the reviewer. It's hard to see how, given this information, it is even slightly relevant.

Comment Re:"Death to Gamers and Long Live Videogames" (Score 1) 1134

1. GGGGP was talking about Quinn, which is not what this image is about.
2. The analysis here is in any case somewhat dubious, as the supposed problems noted can be explained quite simply. Really, an average of 26 seconds per tweet to write correctly spelled and punctuated messages is not even slightly difficult, so I don't suspect advance scripting was necessary. The speed of reaction to get the screen shot can be explained by the capturer noticing the first few tweets, then opening the sender's timeline to take the screenshot, during which time additional tweets will have been sent. If the early tweets were noticed on a mobile device and the capturer then moved to a PC to perform the screen cap this also explains the lack of search terms and the fact that they are not logged in.

Comment Re:"Death to Gamers and Long Live Videogames" (Score 1) 1134

She even admitted flat out on twitter to having sex for publicity,

Link please. This information is missing from most accounts I've seen that I consider credible, so I would certainly like to know more about it. Preferably including precise phrasing and context.

and yet not a single time has the issue journalistic integrity of video game reporting been raised.

And in all the analysis I've seen of this, nobody has pointed out a single published article that appears, based on the timeline published by Quinn's ex, to have been unduly influenced. Which is probably why journalistic integrity isn't being raised in many places: it just doesn't look like anyone has actually done anything wrong.

There exist obvious and blatant conflicts of interest in several of her endeavors and the media that actually cares to report this ignores this fact.

Like? Please provide actual examples, rather than allusions to the existence of such things along with unjustified claims as to their obviousness.

The 'allegations' are actually facts, and what I care about is that she slept with those people for publicity she did not deserve, that was taken from more deserving games

Please provide a link to publicity she received from somebody she was sleeping with at the time of publication, or in any reasonable period of time prior to publication. Note: this article doesn't count, as by the most reliable accounts available she didn't sleep with its author until 4 months after it was published.

Comment Re:Astroturfing for Hillary Clinton (Score 1) 1134

It's a fucking scam. Nobody harassed Zoe Quinn. She made it up. She profited. Her game that couldn't get a green light before got one.

The timeline I saw suggested her game got the green light 3 days before the story broke, i.e. the publication of the details of her relationships most likely happened in response to the fact that she was suddenly becoming better known.

Comment Re:Zoe Quinn, wait what? (Score 1) 1134

Zoe has, by her own confession, committed rape.

That's quoting her a long, long way out of context. The confession was to cheating, which also amounts to hypocrisy due to the fact that she's on record as stating that she considers cheating to be equivalent to rape. As the rest of us, generally speaking, don't consider these to be equivalent, however, let's keep the actual facts of what she did straight.

Comment Re:Zoe Quinn, wait what? (Score 1) 1134

I didnt get to the parts about accusing her of trading sex for reviews or anything

Right. That's because they weren't in the account that you read. They were made up by other people after that account became public, and started spreading as rumours before anybody did the research and found out that the guy involved didn't review any of her games in the relevant time period.

Comment Re:False accusations? (Score 3, Insightful) 1134

Stop moving the goalposts. The accusations by here boyfriend are here:

Tell me, which one of these accusations is false?

Those aren't the false accusations referred to by the article. The false accusations are the ones that suggest that she slept with Nathan Grayson in order to persuade him to write a positive review of one of her games. These accusations were quite widespread (e.g. 1, 2, 3), and appear to be completely false because nobody has pointed out a review written by Grayson of any of Quinn's games which was published after the date she's accused of sleeping with him.

Honestly, I'm not sure why anyone who doesn't know her personally would care what men she chooses to sleep with. It's not like it's actually any of our business, really. The one important accusation, that she used sex to get positive reviews for her game, turns out to be false. So let's just forget about the rest, OK?

Comment Re:Accusations (Score 1) 1134

I see the words "objectivity", "mpartiality", and "fairness" all included as part of the second paragraph as common parts of established journalistic codes. I'm pretty sure when you have had a sexual relationship those are going to be very difficult things to maintain when speaking about that person or their work. I wouldn't actually expect anyone to say in their article "We shagged and they were awful in the sack, but the video game was pretty great." I would instead expect the journalist to either state that they had a more than professional relationship with that person, or most likely just abstain from writing about them or their game. He should have told his Editor that he had a non-professional relationship with her and had someone else write any articles regarding her or her work, or including plugs for her work.

You see, that's the interesting thing about this story: everyone assumes that he wrote about her games at some point while they were together. But he didn't. As far as I've been able to discover, he last mentioned one of her games in an article he wrote in January (link). He also mentioned her on a personal level, but didn't discuss any of her games, in an article he wrote in March (link). Yet according to her ex's account, he only started sleeping with her in May. So what exactly is unethical here?

Comment Re:Accusations (Score 1) 1134

He says billions of new games come out every day. Then gives a picture of her game as the only picture in the article and lists it as the number one stand out. You call that "in passing"? I call that "favourable".

Fine. It's a favourable, if brief, review. But as it was written 4 months prior to there being any kind of relationship between the two of them (according to her ex's account) it's quite tricky to see what, if anything, is wrong with it.

Comment Re:Accusations (Score 1) 1134

He didn't write an article specifically written as a review of her game. What he did was write an article about how there were thousands or more new indie games. Then in that article he said that her game, was the big standout and the only graphic in the article was for her game. That isn't exactly a review but it sure is a ringing endoresment. And while that can sound like nothing of consequence a mention like that on some of these gaming related news sites can make or break a game in a huge way. Just look at how Minecraft went from something no one had heard of to an incredible success in the course of a single weekend, arguably because of a silly web comic.

Yes, but according to her ex's account, she only started sleeping with him in may, and this was published in january. So, it's hard to see how this would be evidence of any kind of malfeasance.

Comment Re:Why "SJW"? (Score 1) 1134

Additionally there have been and still are feminists that claim that all heterosexual sex is rape. Which would make pretty much all men rapist. So again, not fictional.

In any self-selected group that contains more than about 20 people you'll find at least one who's a complete and utter nutcase. Using the most extreme to discredit the entire group is a very dubious tactic.

Comment Re:One bad apple spoils the barrel (Score 1) 1134

1. The allegations against Quinn are not false - there's plenty of evidence showing this.

The allegations are quite serious. I hope the evidence against her is good. Please provide links, because I haven't seen any that amounts to more than rumours.

2. Sarkeesian has been repeatedly debunked and shown to be nothing more than a con-woman.

I haven't watched her videos, but the impression I get is that they are typical feminist fare: slightly exaggerated, maybe even overreacting to minor points. Perhaps even some of the things she says are untrue, I don't know. How this translates to it being reasonable to figure out her home address and send her death threats, I'm not entirely sure.

Comment Re:One bad apple spoils the barrel (Score 1) 1134

It doesn't seem to be pervasive. [...] Over half of all gamers are female. I doubt this is "Misogyny In Gamer Culture". I think instead this is just a few vocal idiots.

Sure, we've now reached the point of equality in terms of the actual market for games. But there's still a horrible lack of equality in:

* People who develop games (only 4% female). This is much worse than the general software developer situation, despite that being bad enough in itself (29% female).
* People who write about games for magazines, etc. I can't find any good stats on this, but thinking about the magazines and sites I read, I'm going to guess the figure is probably somewhere in the 15-20% range. For other fields of journalism, the figures are usually around the 30% sort of range, so again I *think* the gaming press is doing worse than average here.

These statistics show that this is much worse than a "few vocal idiots".

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