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User Journal

Journal Journal: Non-profit

I work in the non-profit world. Did I ever mention that? I probably did in a comment or two.

So... Non-profit, what's that like?

Let me describe my job. I am the one and only Web Developer at an Umbrella Charitable Organization. I won't name names but, I'm sure if you look those words up and put two and two together, you'll have a good idea. We're set up to cover several counties in our state. So, we've got smaller satellite offices in each of the surrounding counties and one big head office in the main city. So, it's pretty important that we do a lot of communicating between locations since physical distance is about an hour drive from the main office to any of the satellites.

So, this means that we need an intranet for internal communication and of course we have our external site for public communication.

The work environment is interesting. I'm the only developer on staff. I'm also one of three computer technical people on staff. I say technical because we wear a lot of hats and switch them around frequently. I'm beginning to think I'm the only active developer in all of the sister organizations to ours. We're certainly the only one with a home built intranet site that responds with dynamic content. Non-profits are notorious for skimping on their IT staff in the belief that budgets are better spent on the fundraising folks or the good cause they are committed to. For some of them, that's perfectly acceptible. For others, it just leaves the organization stagnant and unflexible. Thankfully our Org leaders have a different view on that. The moment that changes, I may be out of a job.

During the first year or two I was here, I obsoleted so many of our daily functions. I think I easily saved my salary in expenses those two years. Some of the things I obsoleted were just ridiculous wastes of time.

It took me nearly 4 years to get to the point where I had stopped feeling like I was playing catch up.

Overall, the experience is rewarding. I'm surrounded by people who are professional and caring. The salaries aren't what you'd get at the megacorps. So, we tend to attract people who want to make a difference over making a killing. It feels good to know that I'm enabling people to make a bigger difference. I like to think that for every task I simplify, I add about a minute a day on average to my co-workers. And when you multiply that out by the co-workers and the number of days in a year, that really adds up. Hey, it's how I get my warm fuzzies with out directly interacting with the community. (I'm lousy at that anyways.)

Downsides? Salary. Definitely salary and benefits and all that jazz. And, because we're a non-profit, were constantly being looked at and evaluated for honesty, efficiency and outcomes. So, there tends to be a committee-group-think decision process on things that seem really basic. It's annoying but workable. Just do the due dilligence and you'll be ok.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Note to Self

Write something witty and/or informative. And failing to do that, let's go for entertaining. And if you should fail to do even that, at least try not to make an ass out of yourself. You're too good at that last one.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Rhetorical

rhetorical (r-tôr-kl, -tr-)
1. Of or relating to rhetoric.
2. Characterized by overelaborate or bombastic rhetoric.
3. Used for persuasive effect: a speech punctuated by rhetorical pauses.

rhetoric (rtr-k)

1. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.
2. A treatise or book discussing this art. Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.
3. A style of speaking or writing, especially the language of a particular subject: fiery political rhetoric.
4. Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.
5. Verbal communication; discourse.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Microsoft and Users

I posted this a long time ago and was amazed when I saw it again on linuxworld:

When I look at a computer, I see a box of metal, plastic and electrons. I see mathematic equations and for/next loops. I see something engineered and well planned.

As well, I should. I have a degree in Computer Science. I make my bread and butter off of it.

When the average person sees one, they see something totally different. They see something mysterious and powerful. They see a creature capable of causing havoc and dismay. In most people minds, the only thing keeping this creature from devouring their latest report is the few things they know about it.

Microsoft has nurtured this perception.

That is why business men don't/won't change their OS. They know this demon, and they know how to appease it. Why switch to another when it could be much worse? Harder to appease? More complicated to work with?

IMHO, that is the perception of value.

I don't know what advice to give you. But, I've found that education is usually the best alternative. If that doesn't work, prove them wrong by making at least one box Linux and actually use it then demo it.

I yearn for the days when computers are about as mysterious as cars.

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