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Comment Re:quirky wacky name syndrome (Score 1) 158

in the end the only thing that matters is that it is unique, and that your competition can't take it away from you.

that's where we disagree

ask your non-tech friends...ask them if 'Firefox' is a good name for a computer program you use to view web pages

choosing a good name matters...it's **one factor** in many, and yes, badly named things can become very popular, but **that doesn't mean it's not important to do right**

Comment WiFi WiMax (Score 1) 158

What name do you propose for Bluetooth?

i don't have all the answers, but let's look at a reverse case...let's look at a *good name choice*

WiMax is a mostly-defunct next generation wireless protocol. If you did network engineering you prob have heard of it...

It is similar to Bluetooth in that way.

WiFi was, to users, something familiar...they chose to name the **next generation** wireless tech "WiMax"

it's not perfect either, but it has the word "max" in it, which is marketable as WiMax was to be a 1Gbit protocol

also, it ***connects to user's a priori knowledge***....


Bluetooth is just a random word to people! Even longtime network engineers I know had no idea where the name came from.

That's the difference.

Comment from gov't contracts (Score 0) 158

Windows was the Federal Government's desktop OS of choice...for millions of desks...all over the world

That level of automatic penetration of the market is absolutely invaluable.

It's very easy to see how M$ leveraged their huge US contracts...it's much easier to have your home OS be the same as your work OS.

That and bundling deals with major PC makers...if you were using computers in that era you should remember all this

Comment Re:"vivaldi" (Score 1) 158

i was making the point that, just like the name 'Bluetooth', it may have an actual story behind the name that has some quirky relationship to the tech, but it still doesn't matter

i'm not saying go with a over-focused-grouped name, or generic name, w/e...just a bit more tech related

it really matters to people (assuming you want people to use your software of course ;)

Comment quirky wacky name syndrome (Score 1) 158

you seriously don't know who Vivaldi was, and you think everybody else is as proudly ignorant as you are.

even if you know who Vivaldi is, it's still a Dumb Name, that's my point...***most users will not get the reference***...just because it has an actual meaning, it doesn't mean it's a good name

'Bluetooth' is a Dumb Name

i sell handmade electronics in my spare time, which use 'bluetooth'...i have to explain *over and over* how 'bluetooth' is similar to wifi to my customers

the bottom line is, even if people know Vivaldi wrote a a well known piece of music with 4 suites like the program (get it), just like Bluetooth has it's own quirky/unique name origin story, **they both just confuse end users**

are you trying to make your program *actual* abstract art? like a Jackson Pollack painting?

unless that's your actual goal, you need to make a **little more** effort to name the thing something less esoteric...i'm not saying dumb it down, i'm seriously against dumbing things down....this is different

i hope that Vivaldi is a great success and i'm sure the developers are great, but this is what i'm commenting about...abstract wacky quirky names need to go...i'm not saying take it to the other extreme, but go with something a bit closer to describing what the function is

Comment product name affects usage (Score 2) 158

the name actually matters

you base all kinds of choices based on product names...

the name is part of the design...when you don't have any other information, design choices can indicate quality

is Vivaldi intended for a small group of developers only? no? you want non-developers to use it?

the name is not some completely abstract factor

Comment "vivaldi" (Score 0) 158

c'mon guys...we *have* to start coming up with better names for products...


sounds like a lesser composer from Mozart's time

or a corrupt Roman proconsul in the early CE

vivaldi could definitely be the name of a new blood thinner drug from Pfizer

damn it...seriously....'vivaldi'

don't tell me what it means b/c i don't care and neither does anyone else...it's a Dumb Name

Comment forgot the user (Score 1) 302

it's broad enough to say you're "programming" the ATM every time you get cash from it.

i have to take objection to this

*using* a machine and *programing* a machine are different

you're forgetting the user/programmer dichotomy

the programmer designs the system and the user is basically passive in that the programmer of the system defines the user's universe of options

Comment ontology types (Score 1) 302

So, Wirth's definition, and your changes can define 'programming' and it won't disagree with my definition.

Wirth is trying to provide an *academic* definition that is *all-inclusive* in it's language

My definition is the reverse...it seeks to simplify what's happening to the most essential.

I'm right. All programming involves controlling machines using symbols.

It's the best definition, and it doesn't disagree with Wirth's definition

Comment Re:HTML = programming (Score 1) 302

you are taking it too far

the difference is characters (aka symbols) stored in memory...not the act of 'print'ing a character on screen

it fully makes logical sense...you write code, store it in memory, computer executes it...the symbols you use are the 'langauge'

there are many people who claim to be 'coders' or 'programmers' who are not, but we can't let that determine how we talk/define this stuff

this really is the best way to understand programming

Comment HTML = programming (Score 1) 302

look...it depends on how you define 'programming'

I'm using a definition that is consistent and logical, but isn't as exclusive as the pedantic definitions many use.

programming is using symbols to control the behavior of a computer...

maybe this will help...it can be 'programming' even if the symbols you use aren't a full 'programming language' in the proper sense

Comment HTML = programming (Score 1) 302

It depends on how you define 'programming'

I'm using a definition that is consistent and logical, but isn't as exclusive as the pedantic definitions many use.

programming is using symbols to control the behavior of a computer...

maybe this will help...it can be 'programming' even if the symbols you use aren't a full 'programming language' in the proper sense

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