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Comment Re:Better question.. (Score 1) 98

Why such a push to tell people how old Earth they think it is. Give some practical reason why a non-scientist should even care about this?

This only matters to the bigots who want to bash religion to make themselves feel better.

If your religious beliefs are sound and resolute, why do you feel so threatened by something you shoudn't care about?

Comment Re:Double edged sword (Score 1) 216

The dash cams cops have are the same as hand held cameras by citizens. What if i demand the cops turn off their dash cam. what ever right that gives them to film me also applies to them.

You'll lose that argument every time. Cops have very different rules than citizens. Think you can get unpaid vacation for shooting a cop?

Comment Re:My gosh, Slashdot truly is dying. (Score 1) 216

I haven't visited Slashdot since January, when all of that crap with the beta started happening.

So today, after visiting for the first time in six months, I am faced with a damning reality: Slashdot truly is dying.

As I scroll down the front page, I see story after story with fewer than 40 comments. Some have less than 15 comments, even hours after being posted!

This is truly a shame, for we have very few alternatives today. Reddit is full of hipsters of the vilest kind. HN is a haven of abusive moderation, censorship, and Silicon Valley groupthink. Stack Overflow will just close any discussion that isn't a basic jQuery question easily answered by looking at its docs.

I knew it would happen someday, but I am saddened to see that we have come upon that time. Slashdot, once the greatest discussion forum known to mankind, has been decimated. I weep.

It's what happens when you roll the Dice.

Comment Re:This needs to happen more often (Score 1) 216

If police malpractice awards come out of the police budget rather than the city council appropriating additional money, they are much more likely to change police behavior.

"Mr. Mayor, we need additional funding to defend our valiant officers or we will be unable to hire enough officers to adequately ensure the public safety; our hands will be tied by you. Will you be the elected official who sacrificed public safety for a few dollars? I thought not." - Police Chief

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I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning. -- Plato
