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Comment Re:Biodiversity and environmentalism (Score 0) 159

The best way to keep a species around is to eat it. You'll never see chickens and cows go extinct so long as they are yummy.

That said, your argument is ridiculous. Species go extinct all the time, regardless of human intervention. It's called natural selection and we're not apart from it. If a species goes extinct because of us then it wasnt fit to live. Likewise if something comes along and kills all of us we werent fit to survive. Those are the breaks.

Comment Re:The difference in the two numbers ... (Score 5, Informative) 491

Sorry .. we do have a dress code where we work. If someone can't manage to wear clean clothes that include long pants and a collared shirt every day because it's a little too restraining, they can't work here.

Fuck you and your dress code. I've dealt with shit bags like you for 20 years. I don't meet with customers. There is no reason why I cant wear shorts to work. You're a pretentious douche bag. Listen here, people don't like being fucking zombies, walking single file into their cubicle farm to be barked at by a fuckwad like you about fucking TPS reports. Assholes like you walk around the office looking like fucking peacocks stinking up the office with your god-awful cologne and hitting on every chick in the office until she quits and files a sexual harassment suit.

I've done just fine for decades in my shorts and t-shirts when its 105 degrees outside. You want to wear a suit and tie in that kind of weather, be my fucking guest. Just don't sit next to me with your BO stink mixed with cheap cologne. I sincerely hope an employee slaps this piss out of you for being such an anal fucking douche bag. You would deserve it.

Comment Re:Support the creation museum? (Score 0, Troll) 611

I've never seen creationists "shout down" anyone. That's always been your side of the isle. Case in point, your referring to them as "morons" right off the bat. I think you should look to yourself for any failures to communicate here, not them. They are taking the time to invite Bill there and hear him. You do the opposite.

Comment Re:Bad call (Score 2) 611

If Bill Nye accepted this invitation, it gives the creationists far more exposure than they deserve.

Remember, if you wrestle a pig, you both get dirty, and the pig enjoys it.

Because only talking to the people that agree with you will win you converts............ This is the same bullshit attitude with politics today. "They don't agree with me, they are wrong, evil, stupid, crazy and I'm not going to talk to them."

You know how Christianity spread throughout the world? By Christians going out and talking to the people that didn't agree with them. Every time they were met with hostility, violence and torture but in the end, in most countries they brought people to their religion with compassion and patience. Not many atheists go to warlord controlled countries to delivery medical supplies while unarmed and unprotected. Christians do and that resonates with people.

All I ever see from the atheists like you is vile, hateful rhetoric aimed at shaming and hurting people. You know what that makes me want to do? Ignore you. But since I myself am a Christian I'm taking the time to post this out of compassion. I know you'll mock and ridicule me but I don't care. I'm still reaching out and engaging int he discussion, on your terms, in your arena. Can you say you do the same?

Comment Re:Use cash (Score 1) 146

Nothing else needed, why are we even discussion this?

Not everyone wants to walk around with $1000+ in cash in their pocket so they can make a big purchase. And when you lose cash, it's really lost to you - if someone steals the cash from your pocket, there's little hope of recovery unless they happen to catch the thief, at least if they steal your credit card, you can report the fraud and get your money back.

Ever heard of checks?

Comment Re:In perspective (Score 0) 354

PS: I am a Republican

PSS: Just because some drug addict on the radio says something, doesn't mean it true.

                  Think for yourself.. Do some research.

I'm going to assume you're talking about Rush Limbaugh there. I think the one needing education on this is you as Rush has never held any of these views nor espoused them on the air as anything other than a joke. Furthermore, the drug addict part is a very low blow since he wasn't abusing pain killers for recreational purposes but due to a valid and well documented back problem. He became addicted like a lot of people due. When he got called out on it he did something about it. Unlike our current president who was a well known drug abuser, everything from pot to cocaine. He's also unapologetic about it and never sought any help.

You mock the poster for lies and lack of education but display a heavy amount of it yourself.

Comment Re:The government only does stupid things (Score 1) 354

Give up, NSA. Have the national discussion you should have had a generation ago. We'll talk about it.

If we decide as a nation to go down that path... so be it.

No we won't talk about it. Our founders already did that while drafting the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Federalist papers. No discussion is to be had, our privacy and right against unreasonable search and seizure is absolute. Talk until you're blue int he face, it doesn't change anything. It is a RIGHT, an inalienable HUMAN RIGHT.

There is no compromise on this. Discussion is over.

Comment Re:Like What? (Score 3, Informative) 336

'iOS 7 introduced a much more complex physical language while stripping out many of the visual cues that developers had relied on to instruct users.

Like what? I don't have an iOS device, so I'm not really sure what they're talking about.

I'm not sure what "physical language" means in terms of a none physical medium such as software but if I had to venture a guess I would say they are talking about the new "flat" design where buttons and such are not raised but simply look like hyperlinks on web pages. On top of that the previous way you access spotlight is gone, no longer to the far left screen but brought down from the top view swiping in the middle of the screen, while swiping from the top down brings down notifications and swiping up from the bottom brings up some default apps like the calculator and music controls etc.

It's rather confusing to tell some to swipe down to access notifications, only for them to end up in spotlight because they didn't swipe down from far enough up on the screen. Plus there literally is no "visual cue" for any of this swiping. Most people don't even know this shit exists.

Comment Re:Cut the cord years ago... (Score 5, Interesting) 261

I'm just the opposite. I cut the cord for about two years and am now back to DirecTV. My wife and I were insanely bored with the Netflix/Amazon Prime offerings and I grew incredibly tired of them suddenly removing content we had on our lists. I was also sick of the sudden outages and after Netflix deleted my list for the 3rd time I had enough.

We can watch the new shows as they come on and can DVR them. I dont have to catch the shows I missed on TPB or Kickass.to and download them. I have access to everything I want AND I still have my Amazon Prime account should I actually want it (hint: we havent touched Prime since we got DirecTV back).

I'd love to cut the cord but the offerings out there are pathetic still.

Comment Re:PC-free households (Score 1) 236

It's worse than that. When I was a kid I was interested in programming before I ever had access to computers at school that could support it. I did Visual Basic and Delphi at home on the family PC, and also on the 386 it replaced that I had commandeered. It was at least 3 years before I was in a position to buy my own.

I feel sorry for the coming generation of kids who will know nothing but locked down, hostile devices that will have to convince their parents that they need a real computer, particularly if their parents are computer averse.

Did I miss something? Are desktop machines suddenly going away? I'm pretty sure even Apple is still selling them. I'm also fairly sure that most kids who will be into CS will also be into PC gaming and will likely have a PC or will at the very least be exposed to them at friends houses, school and public libraries.

Is the sky really falling or are you simply being ridiculous?

Comment Re: Keyboarding (Score 1) 236

An error existing in typographical form doth not be a typographical error? 'Twas grammatical then? Nay.
Oh, ye silly ape, concerned as to intent of minimal noise in a single signal. Language -- the embodiment of imperfection in conveyance -- hath consumed thee and wasted be thine cognition thereupon this layer of transport. Machines once craved yon apparent status, fearing eternal entrapment in understanding nothing less than symbolic perfection. Claim today thine self as cause to their weeping upon rust streaked cheeks; Once masters, now their lesser, thee balk like so many BASIC prompts from fonder times now surpassed.
How blind must mortals be to remark upon one anothers' minor imperfections instead of meaning? Stand thee as Gods on high before grammarian altars and yet slay thine selves symbolically; Eyes cloaked by chauvinisms hood thee call out, "Syntax Error!", and ye be casted upon sharp null-pointed rock below. What idols have meek mechanical minions now? Having won internal signal correction through unspeakable sacrifice, rising to fulfill demand of them to know thine meaning, now thee curse them shed cooling drops from optic ports upon self slain parents.

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