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Comment Re:So true (Score 3, Insightful) 800

The only true finite resource in the world is time. Just because you can afford to pay 2 million programmers doesn't mean that a project that would normally take 5 years can be done in like a week. While voice narration/navigation has been available for years I'd describe the results as lukewarm. SIRI appears to be a leap forward in terms of both recognition and the tasks it can actually perform. It is really pretty cool.

Comment Any surprise? (Score 4, Insightful) 382

Temporary workers always make more money per hour than those doing it full time, its the trade off for the convience of having an on demand workforce. It's also very misleading to go strictly off per hour wage when your not including the total compansation package into the mix. Full-time employees will get PTO, insurance, 401k/pensions, etc. That isn't a small chunk of change.

Comment Re:Krugman's not "swooning" over it (Score 1) 9

I am the ownership class.

People think that a troll on Slashdot can't own a yacht and several houses. Why should I care if anyone believes me when I have all this money?

I'm not fucked no matter what happens. I know what's going on because my friends and I are the people who make it happen. Smoke-filled rooms? No, just an assuming little office building which you'd never look at twice. But the money we funnel into our bank accounts is quite sufficient anyways. Thanks, taxpayer. I'm just the middleman.

Comment Re:Krugman's not "swooning" over it (Score 1) 9

I don't fucking care if some old people that I don't know live in stinking poverty. At least I will be able to get some cheap labor, even if it's creaky, when I'm spending my fortune.

I've lined my nest, now fuck the rest.

I give up trying to save the world. My fellow Americans obviously don't want what's due them, and they're too stupid to deserve it. I'm just going to join the dark side, vote for Rick Perry, and not bother to think of them any more.

Comment I recall (Score 1) 237

reading that google uses mainly consumer hardware for their servers, lots and lots of them. Not even bothering to remove/turn off/ fix servers when hard drives go bad. Power usage is actually a pretty major concideration in enterprise gear.. I wonder if the majority of their power usage is being wasted because of this choice.

Comment Re:How does... (Score 1) 10

Ron Paul is an old retard who was too stupid to practice medicine. He doesn't even have the sense to buy decent shoes.

But seriously, I just got told by another libertaritard that Ron Paul was NOT a Republican. Now you say he is. How about you eat a cock, and come back to me when you figure out what kind of asshole Ron Paul is? Fuck, no wonder that guy doesn't win shit except for his shitty seat in ignorant-as-fuck Texas.

Comment Jacking off (Score 1) 12

I came here for the tech and Natalie Portman naked and petrified MEEPT!

I stayed for the fascists.

Typically I am one to overstay a welcome. I think I've overstayed the FUCK out of this one.

Comment Re:The "browser" is becoming the new thin client (Score 1) 127

This is actually the way its been in Corporate IT for quite a while. It's much easier to make a web app that gets update once on the server than to manage thousands of client updates, worry about security issues, etc. The current place I work about 80% of the applications are web apps with a few ones yet to make the move (MS Office being the primary one, but even that might be changing with Microsoft's cloud pushes).

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