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Comment Re:bill of rights restricts GOVERNMENT (Score 2) 116

I think this assertion is silly just at first glance. Most of people involved in the development of the US Constitution were not of a "ruling class" (except in the weak sense of the role they happened to be in). And their selection was by their peers, often for things such as brvery or performance in the Revolutionary War or respect.

Further, where are the chartered corporations that these power seekers made?

It's worth noting that we can actually look at what the founding fathers wrote and said, rather than just accepting your bit of historical revisionism. For example, Madison said of the charters of the day (in debate on whether to create a public charter, the Bank of the US:

He waved a reply to Mr. Vining's observations on the common law, (in which that gentleman had been lengthy and minute, in order to invalidate Mr. Madison's objection to the power proposed to be given to the Bank, to make rules and regulations, not contrary to law). Mr. Madison said the question would involve a very lengthy discussion - and other objects more intimately connected with the subject, remained to be considered.

The power of granting Charters, he observed, is a great and important power, and ought not to be exercised, without we find ourselves expressly authorised to grant them: Here he dilated on the great and extensive influence that incorporated societies had on public affairs in Europe: They are a powerful machine, which have always been found competent to effect objects on principles, in a great measure independent of the people.

He argued against the influence of the precedent to be established by the bill - for tho it has been said that the charter is to be granted only for a term of years, yet he contended, that granting the powers on any principle, is granting them in perpetuum - and assuming this right on the part of the government involves the assumption of every power whatever.

So there's an example of one of the most important of the founders eschewing the corporation of that time. While I imagine Madison would be dubious of today's legal fiction of "corporate personhood", he would have also resisted the formation of many of the US's current public institutions. And in the few cases where those institutions met his approval, he'd probably disapprove of their considerably enlarged scope.

And on other end of this spectrum was Alexander Hamilton who supported a strong central government and probably wouldn't have had a major problem with much of what has been done since.

Just like now, there was a mix of the many human opinions, vices, and virtues. To say that the founding fathers meant that or this, especially when what they supposedly meant is just a blatantly fantastical reinterpretation of their times through a modern ideological filter, is to lose understanding of them or of their times.

Finally, though I don't see the indication that the times of the late 18th century are sufficiently different from today that we can safely ignore the purpose of the Constitution or the various dangers it was designed to forestall or mitigate.

Comment Re:As Bad as Ever (Score 1) 208

The nature of humans is the same today as it was 10,000 years ago. Because of that, we are still in the same boat. The environment has changed, the problems have changed, but the state of things is the same. When someone in The West claims things are getting better, it's because the person is deceived by the wave of western success. If you look at the world as a whole, it's still a violent, scary place.

Well, it is a less violent and scary place. That has changed.

Comment Re:Societal issues don't define stability. (Score 1) 208

There is going to be a huge resource crunch in the next half century as more nations become developed. And unless huge breakthroughs are made in energy storage, solar and wind power is not going to be an acceptable way to make them happy since power grids are horrifically complex. (green energy is already a pain to deal with in developed countries with regards to pushing it back in to the power grid)

Another problem solved by Slashdot. Next.

Comment Re:Lies & Damn Lies (Score 1) 208

Don't tell me those are natural fluctuations because I'm over 40 and the weather hasn't been like that in my previous 30 years.

Those are natural fluctuations. And the weather never has been like it is today and never will be like that ever again.

Comment Re:The good outweights the bad (Score 1) 208

The big thing that is worse, I think, is economic inequality

Except that this is not true either. There was a huge increase in income from about the 10% to 75% (that is, the two thirds of humanity who earned more than the bottom 10% and less than the top 25% over the past twenty years (actually 1988-2008). This has resulted in a considerable decline in global economic inequality despite the wealthiest managing to grow their portion of wealth over that time.

A few days back, we had a couple of stories about how automation was taking away jobs. It was instructive how detached from reality the observations were. One person claimed global median income was stagnant (instead it increased over 60% during the above period as the above link shows). Or that automation this time wasn't resulting in the usual (centuries long trend BTW) increases in employment. But if they had chosen to look, they would have seen at the global scale the usual increase in human employment. It was just in areas that weren't part of the developed world.

My point here is that we have a huge perception problem (this example is in the developed world, but there's nothing special about the developed world when it comes to provincial outlooks). If those previous stories had been about ferners takin' our jerbs away, it'd been laughed off as a clueless hick thing. But mersheens takin' our jerbs away? That's totally different even though the latter debate is driven by the same ignorance as the former.

Comment Re:Public land closures (Score 1) 48

There is public interest in having public lands kept as wildernesses or parks. Not everything has to be for the benefit of profit, ranchers, or miners.

And there is public interest in making public land private. Note that the majority of public land in the US is not currently kept as wilderness or parks. Where's the public interest in keeping that land public?

Comment Re:Established science CANNOT BE QUESTIONED! (Score 1) 719

So up to 99.5% of clinically diagnosed cases of measles may be something else.

Just because a test is conducted doesn't imply that there was a clinical diagnosis of measles. Another explanation in today's litigious world is that these doctors were CYA. A measles test is just another insurance-covered fee. Missing an actual case of measles could boost malpractice insurance rates or even cost the doctor their license to operate.

And what does this have to do with your alleged current underdiagnosis of measles since it supposedly errs strongly in the overdiagnosis of measles by a couple orders of magnitude?

And really, you are still ignoring the ethics of testing with controls. It means you're deliberately infecting people with a dangerous and infectious disease. What is the justification for this harm? Instead, it's a generally accepted practice to suspend controls in testing when the proposed cure is effective enough

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