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Comment Prezi (Score 1) 233

When the web was new and I had to make presentations like this, I would do HTML pages (with bullets) instead of powerpoint slides. The big difference was that I would also provide lots of links to additional information and details on each point. It took longer to write (both because of the additional information, but mostly because we didn't have great tools to assist), but was more engaging with the audience and did provide the additional details that a bullet-list-slide didn't.

Nowadays, I might think about using something like Prezi for some of my briefings. While it does allow a linear path through a presentation, the information is layed out spatially and allows zooms and pans both through the path and independent of the path. This makes it pretty easy to provide additional information and show the relationship between some of the points. It does allow bullet points, but mostly so it can mock their use.

Comment Re:Why digital cameras create blurry photos. (Score 1) 256

The problem with digital cameras is that you hold them with your arms out to see the screen instead of holding them tightly to your eye, which makes it much harder to keep the camera steady.

This is why you should:

  • Practice with a camera before you need to use it for something.
  • Use a digital camera where you actually have an eyepiece (like most DSLRs).
  • Use a tripod or other stabilizer.
  • Hold the camera in close to yourself, so your arms aren't fully extended, or stabilize your arms in some other way (lie down on the ground, lean against a tree, etc).

Comment How about a better summary? (Score 1) 33

I went into reading about this very skeptical. I've been part of a few "no-subscription" virtual worlds aimed at kids, and watched a bunch of inventive and creative kids be horribly disappointed when the companies (I'm looking at you, Disney) pulled the plug on them.

But from the rather poor write-ups I'm finding, it sounds like this is Open Source, so even if its pulled there is still use for it.

Care to actually tell us more about the platform?

Comment Edison wins, in the end (Score 1) 611

The concept of "local power" was first advocated by... Thomas Edison. He was advocating small power stations all around a municipality for local distribution via his DC-based systems.

Westinghouse's AC system, however, allowed for transmission of power great distances. Despite using his name, and some patents, most of what we use today owes more to Westinghouse than Edison.

Sounds like the "go local" movement is gaining strength when it comes to power generation, too. Wonder if we'll be able to go back to DC? Probably not.

Comment N-opoly (Score 1) 570

You know, we sound pretty lame when we start talking about "insufficient competition".

At first, it was just "monopolies" that were bad.

Then we started talking about how cable and telephone companies, although competing against each other, didn't provide "enough" choices for consumers.

Now we're saying that seven four cell companies aren't enough competition for each other. And we point out as evidence that they're all doing essentially the same thing to rake money in hand over fist.

Don't get me wrong - I think that text prices are, from a consumers point of view, stupidly high. But it sure doesn't sound like adding more companies to the mix is actually fixing the problem.

So perhaps the problem isn't them.

Perhaps the problem is us.

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