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Comment Re:And still no one has died! (Score 1) 163

"Most worrying are the results of tests carried out on more than 130,000 children who lived around Fukushima. More than 40 per cent have the early signs of thyroid cancer, while other forms of the disease may not become apparent for a decade."

And before you write of a source as radical, treehugging or liberal. I chose the express as a thatcherite newspaper with a pro nuclear history. Politics proven by poetry.

Comment Posterboy for corporate failure (Score 1) 260

Once upon a time... one website was so well funded and ubiquitous it was like it was like hotmail, ebay, facebook,, with the social vocabulary of youtube. all rolled into one.

Somewhere along the line they have been reduced to paying Murdochesque sums for last-gen products. having destroyed everything it ever created for itself.

At least the extra special yahoo trolls are still around

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