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Comment Re:peaceful protesters? (Score 1) 584

That depends on the type of socialist system used.
In Soviet Union we were not allowed to own property. Well some did. Well some absolutely did. Well you see, in Soviet Union some people are more equal than others.
In Best Korea too.
But it really all depends on the country.
Marxist-Leninist socialism most likely does not allow private ownership. And there are only four countries right now.
China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. China has limited shared ownership (many companies are owned or co-owned partially by the state or state-based organizations such as the Chinese Red Army), Cuba -- none, Laos -- none, Vietnam -- I don't know.

Comment Re:peaceful protesters? (Score 0) 584

Heck no. I am capable of holding an argument without need to resort to violence. But considering the cases of people being beat up and women being raped at the camp -- we did not DARE to go down to the camp alone. In truth my friends and I wanted to tell them exactly what we think of their dirty hippy flea-bagging ways without being molested by someone like you and your friends for speaking our mind.

Comment Re:peaceful protesters? (Score 1) 584

I know, it is something like it is not the speech that you said. Someone else said it before. It is OK, I'll help deal with your plagiarism by giving the source (as you should have)
Barack Obama, July 13, Roanoke, Va
But he was wrong. Just like you ripped off his quote without giving him a credit, you are ripping off other people's money without giving them credit claiming that government did it.
And He was wrong too.
There are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there but remember that 47 percent of the population still do not pay the income tax, and the top 10% of the population pays more than 50% of the income tax.
I am successful, and I did not ask for anyone's help. Asking for help would be "gimme food-stamps", "gimme money", "gimme welfare". My family came in America with literally 1 dollar in our pockets and twenty years later we own two houses four cars and successfully multiplied.
Yes there was a great teacher somewhere in my life. She, he and many others of them got paid for their work and retirement. My parents paid for it.
The "Somebody" who helped to create this unbelievable American system is capitalism that produced and maintain this place of opportunity where anyone can make a business and be successful. Try that in the old Soviet Union, the "Best" Korea, the handful of the socialist states that still exist. You can not create your own business in many of them unless it allows for private ownership. Many of the old Socialist states did not allow for private ownership.
Yes somebody invested in the roads and bridges. Many of them are toll roads and many are built on a tax money collected by the state or the federal government. We are still paying with our tax money to maintain them. Every time we renew our driver licenses and license plates we pay for their maintenance. Don't make me feel guilty for a service that I have paid for.
When you come to a five star hotel, receive a great service for a waiter and tip them generously for it you do not come around and say, "We should be ashamed for even thinking that we bought the stay at that hotel room and that food and that food service for that night because the waiter really did us a favour by bringing in that food." Makes sense? not to me.
And another reason why Obama is wrong. He said, " If you've got a business -- you didn't build that . Wrong, this is the exact same way that the Soviet system were telling us that in capitalist-based system every single business owner became rich by exploiting the working class. Now you understand what Obama was really trying to say by that?
Yes, of course if you got your own business -- you absolutely built that.
I know of a certain Korean immigrant who came into this country 10 years ago. For the first three years he was breaking his back trying to feed kids and save up. He worked probably 16 hours a week, later on paying for their education.
Eventually he had 100,000 dollars that he saved up and bought a laundry-mat with adjacent dry-cleaning store. His family, his extended family is now working in that store. He bought nearby office spaces and opened a restaurant. His family now works that restaurant too. He also just bought another building space, and from what I heard it will be a drugstore. The guy now lives in a big house, his children are going to school, and all-in-all he is employing at least fifty people, including some natural born Americans who are not part of his family. He absolutely built that business, and paid for building it. Not by exploiting the working class, not by anything that the President is trying to make us guilty for.
The Internet case is special, was invented by the Army. But the individual networks existed way before the Internet. There were many different networks prior to the Internet and in alternative to the Internet as well. Also US universities were the first websites to expand into the internet.
The government had very little to do with the Internet, only by sponsoring the initial implementation of Darpa-Net. Everything else was done by individuals, consortium, universities, free-software foundation, commercial software and communication companies. All for the sake of money.
Here is the list of companies that really contributed to the internet you know today:
CISCO (routers, switches, backbone hardware)
AT&T and all the little "Bells" -- backbone, routing.
SUN, HP, IBM -- stable UNIX hardware and software for running nntp, smtp, http, etc.
Microsoft, Apple -- Personal computers to access the Internet.
Microsoft, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera -- web browsers.
GNU/Linux, BSD (all Berkley-based UNIX variants), GNU tools -- open source contributions and research
Apache foundation, Sendmail Co, etc.
And finally University-based researches in programming languages and releases of enthusiasts. (Perl, PHP, Python, Java, etc.)
Government had very very very little to do with the Internet on the grand scheme of things except their censorship prerogative.

Comment I'd rather deal with fiscal cliff (Score 0) 98

than see Obama administration blow the money into the air in order to pay-off their political base by diverting the United States investment on the failed bankrupted green-energy companies such as Solyndra ( and many others. If the energy source is non-viable economically and market can not support it -- let it die.

Comment Re:peaceful protesters? (Score 0) 584

I had a few friends ready to back me up really severely standing next to me if they were to lay a finger on me. However if I were to meet you I would not need a few friends near me to express my constitutional right of free speech and a natural right to punch your smug liberal face, were you try to even mention a trash can, Steve.

Comment Re:peaceful protesters? (Score 0) 584

Sure, I do not belong to 1%, but I belong to the top 53% of the people. The working people (thank you very much) who work and support the bottom 47% of the population (who really do not pay taxes).
I do not want you to identify me as part of YOUR group. I worked hard to get where I am today without taking a dime from the government.
If you want a system where the wealthy do not control the government -- I think you should just go away and establish your own social country or move to the "Best" Korea because even in the best days of the Soviet Union, those in power were those who were in the power of controlling the money (go figure).

Comment Re:peaceful protesters? (Score -1) 584

I went out there and spoke to them. They have no ideological base other than, "we want free stuff" and "it is something cool to do".
I tried to argue with one of their organizers and explain the futility of their irresponsible behavior.
Few of them were listening to me for 15 minutes without putting fourth any argument. Than, I had to leave back to work form my lunch break, and they yelled after me their only comeback, "You outta smoke some weed sometimes, it will mellow you down!!!!".

So because of that I came to conclusion that there are were few ideologues on top who probably come from trade unions and academia, and probably of the far left beliefs. Everyone below them is doing it because it is a cool and daring thing to do.

But the people on very top who finance this -- thought to destabilize political process and banking in the United States to create either a pressure on a certain political leaders through their direct actions or, to a lesser extent, to create a large enough backlash to pressure them into the opposite actions.

Comment Re:Yes we can! (Score -1, Troll) 584

Someone once sent me a joke about both hope and change, but I can't find the author of this piece:
"Top 10 Obama Change jokes"

10) Obama promised Hope and Change, and what he delivered was hopeless pains.

9) Obama did bring change ... after he spent all the bills.

8) Don't blame Obama for Changing America's economy, and don't Hope things will get better after the next Presidential elections.

7) Obama does want you to Change ... your tires, to save the Earth.

6) If you Hope Change will make things better, you had better know that you can't buy much with a fistful of coins.

5) Hope and Change are on the way ... just not from Obama, or anyone who occupies The White House.

4) When Congress learned about Obama's Hope and Change, they started making new bills ... Trillions of them, in fact.

3) The Arab Spring is full of Hope and Change. Most of the revolutionaries are hopeful that their dictatorships will change.

2) In Washington, if you want a friend, get a dog. In the Obama Administration, if you want a friend, promise people Hope and Change as a reward for their votes and then tell them it takes a decade. ... and the #1 Obama Change joke is:

1) Obama is different from every other President, except for every other President.

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