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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 18 declined, 4 accepted (22 total, 18.18% accepted)


Submission + - Obama Grabs the Internet

Bodhammer writes: Even though a Federal Appeals Court said the FCC did not have the authority to regulate the internet, those clever folks in the Obama Administration have chosen to "reclassify" the internet under rules written for Ma Bell in the 1930's. I'm sure it will be better than health care, autos, and Fannie & Freddie — I mean, what could go wrong? Have a read here:
Hardware Hacking

Submission + - Machining for the Geek?

Bodhammer writes: I've been feeling the urge to play with tech that is not directly related to computers and electronics. Metalworking has caught my eye after doing some research on Stirling engines. I've been thinking about getting a cheap Chinese milling machine and lathe after reading sites like The Little Machine Shop, Varmint Al's, and Mini-Lathe.
Anyone have some tips on getting into the hobby? Should I take some classes at the local VoTec or just go for it?

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For God's sake, stop researching for a while and begin to think!
