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Comment Re:Who keeps posting this garbage? (Score 1) 613

This is a great comment, and the fact that you've been moderated Overrated really highlights just how fucked up Slashdot is with this stuff. The prevailing view, as evidenced by all the +5 Insightful comments trumpeting it, is that sex discrimination against women in STEM, just doesn't exist and it's all some "SJW" (sic) conspiracy.

Comment Re:Yeah good luck with that... (Score 3, Insightful) 587

The thing is, people rarely identify themselves as SJWs. As a rule, it's a term used to define others as a way to shut down debate. You see this on ./ all the time - someone takes offence at some group of other that's trying to change the status quo, so they label them a SJW, implying negative connotations, and effectively shutting down debate. It's a shitty tactic.

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