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Comment Re:Why do this in the first place? (Score 2) 90

There will, never, ever be a "killer app" for Firefox OS. And who cares? This isn't a video game console. People expect a phone to have all the basic apps like Facebook/Runkeeper/Whatever, and it's impossible to think such an app would be developed for a single platform. Nobody buys an Android because they can't get Hulu for iOS.

Firefox will succeed if people prefer the look & feel of the OS, and if it's easy to get, and if it easily runs all the apps expected of it. As long as it works, who cares if it's OS native or not?

Comment Re:No they outsold Samsung and Apple (Score 2) 129

I love that article. 5 seconds of Googling shows that Elop didn't actually become CEO of Nokia until the end of 2010, but for some reason the article decides to start half a year earlier, with the sales record of the previous CEO, who was forced out for poor performance. You're reading an article that's more concerned with being a hit piece than the truth.

Another 10 seconds of Googling shows that at the beginning of 2011, Android was the top smartphone OS: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/an...

Elop talked about all this at the beginning of his infamous "burning platform" memo.

Realistically, how would a CEO completely tank a phone OS in like two months? Steve Jobs needed a few years at Apple before his ideas really went from concept to production.

Comment Ugh (Score 2) 170

Mark Zuckerberg knows more than me, but personally "young nerdy kid who loves playing video games and thinks it's a first step towards programming" is one of those types I just can't stand. Playing video games doesn't help any more than using instagram or dicking around on your cell phone.

Comment Re:Tolls? (Score 1) 837

Is this really true? Even poor people get double-paned windows, a Prius C costs all of $17K (and generally speaking, cheaper cars are smaller and less performance-oriented, and therefore consume less gas). And there's laughably few tax credits for energy efficiency. It used to be a 10% deduction for $500, up to the lifetime of the house. A drop in the bucket. Now it's nothing, aside from special programs.

There's nothing magical about existing fuel taxes. If increasing fuel efficiency causes revenues to come up short, why not raise the tax a few more cents?

Comment Re:Yep, they were... (Score 1) 369

It's very well understood that DVDs can't be copied. This is considered reasonable. While the restriction on coffee grounds considered unreasonable.

But I'd propose an alternative: Keurig 2.0 is going nowhere mostly because the only real advantage it has is the ability to brew pots of coffee. A lot of people simply aren't interested in doing that, much less willing to pay more/give up more countertop space for the privilege.

Comment Re:I almost bought a 2.0 DRMed... (Score 1) 369

It's kind of nice being able to make a pot of coffee. If you have a dinner party and want to make coffee for everybody afterwards, somebody has to stand around the Keurig machine pressing buttons for ten minutes, handing out cups of coffee one-by-one.

While conceptually I don't like the idea of DRM'd coffee, realistically anything you buy is licensed, and using "my KCup" brews coffee that's so ridiculously weak. By the time you're grinding your own beans, just use a gold-filter pour-over.

Comment Re:How do you *lose* money selling it at 75K a pop (Score 4, Insightful) 318

They're a small, growing company hoping to release an entirely new manufactured line in just a couple years. It would be bizarre if they were making money on a quarterly basis under these circumstances. I imagine if they were content being nothing but a niche player, they could be turning a profit.

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