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Comment Re:Makes sense I guess. (Score 1) 185

The research seems to suggest that the cells intrinsic ability to mutate developed early on in the evolution of life, certainly long before sexual reproduction.

I used reproduction as a more extreme case to illustrate the effects and didn't mean to imply it was the primary issue. The trade-offs affect almost all of life, just in different weights.

Comment Re:Makes sense I guess. (Score 2) 185

I can see such in reproduction-related cells, but not regular body cells because those are not passed on.

More likely cancer is simply the result of the trade-offs between efficiency versus duration. In a competitive world efficiency guarantees genetic success more than life duration. After all, the alpha male is in almost a winner-take-all role. To be the alpha male you have to have a high metabolism and an efficient metabolism (get big without having to find extra food).

This means that entropy (errors in cell division) builds up faster. There are generally two solutions to entropy: slower metabolism or error correcting mechanisms. Being slower means you'll never be able to be the alpha male, and error-correcting means you are less efficient during your prime because such mechanisms consume resources. (Some bacteria have such.)

Note how female mammals typically have lower metabolism and live longer. This is because they are not in the winner-take-all position of males.

Comment Unit Tests! (Score 1) 548

One of my biggest advances as a programmer has been writing unit tests for everything and the associated decoupling of code required to make unit tests for everything actually work well. They reveal weaknesses in your design early on, before fixing them is too bad, encourage reusable code, encourage you to keep your design simple and increase the degree of certainty you have when you deploy something. I haven't quite jumped on the test-first bandwagon yet, but I'll write a class and then write its unit test. If the unit test reveals that more functionality is needed or that I need to change something, I do it then.

Comment Re:Know where your programming language is headed! (Score 1) 548

Nobody has a perfect crystal ball. Languages die off and you should expect them to. COBOL would be the last language I would've expected to last such a long time, but it somehow did; it's almost like Latin: people use it because it's already dead such that there are no surprises in it. There are stupid things about almost every common current language that could doom them. Plus, fads come and go.

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