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Comment Re:Crash (Score 1) 102

Did you even read the article you linked to?

The author says the idea has been debunked, and even explains hoe a tsunmai is formed.

Nice rant, but for once, the Mail gets this one right

Comment Re:Would Patient Consent Work? (Score 1) 332

Amen to that, my youngest spent his first three months in hospital with a massive haemangioma on his head/neck.
The complications that ensued meant he had platlet and cryoprecipitate transfusions every 4 hours for the first two weeks, a short course of chemo to try and shrink the blood vessels in the growth, a stay in a Paediatric ECU, 2 procedures to fit a central line as he ran out of veins.

If he had been born in the States, there is a very good chance I would have been bankrupted, so while the NHS has it's many faults, quite a few I saw up close, I am very greatful to the system.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 238

The shipyards closed because you can get a ship built for a third of the price in Korea, and the unions wouldn't let the yard owners rebuild with newer equipment as it would involve less manpower. (Clydebank and John Brown's yard a prime example)
The steel works closed because the cost of British steel was higher than that from overseas, and with the mines the government wanted to close the most uneconomical pits and focus investment on the remaining borderline ones. Unfortunately the NUM decided they would challenge them, as they had done in the 70's by holding the country to ransom. Thatcher said no more and stood her ground for over a year. By that time the pits had become totally uneconomical and so even more closed.

Comment Re:Are they acceptable in Israel? (Score 1) 193

"And if you don't deal with that full history... well you get Japan and east Germany."

Are you having a laugh?
East Germany had their manufacturing base systematically packed up and sent back to the Soviet Union as reparation, they had over 40 years of having the system watch their every move as the soviets were determined that they never become a threat again, and the population was told at every stage exactly why this was happening.

Now Japan, they got a free pass and you don't have to look beyond the US to see why

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