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Journal Journal: Jesus!

An old post got modded like this:

Moderation Totals: Flamebait=3, Troll=1, Redundant=1, Funny=2, Underrated=1, Total=8

It's pretty cool. I've never had so many mod points used on one post.

Journal Journal: Anime Conventions and Dances

Before I begin, I'll lay down this: Anime Conventions are the reason I stay alive. If it were not for Anime Conventions and the possibility of going to them, I might possibly commit suicide. And anime con dances are sacred to me.
Why are they sacred? Because Anime Con Dances used to the be only dances I could go to and dance badly and be able to pass it off successfully with a "I meant to do that". No judgementalism, no rudeness, just pure good times.

Now, to my gripe.

This rant is brought to you by the individuals who took over my last few convention dances. The ravers who think they are wanted. They bring their glowsticks to the con dances, and they force people into circles, and then they run the whole show as if they are staff.

Until Katsucon 8 I was fine with ravers. I didn't hang with them, they didn't hang with me, and nary a harsh word passed between us. That has changed.
Ravers, there is a time and a place for everything, and it's called college. If you wanna pop E and suck nitrous, that's your decision. But when you want to take over 2 whole convention dances and make it into a farce of glowsticks and breakdancing, I get pissed.
At Anime Conventions, we should dance to Anime music. At a rave, you can go do whatever the hell it is you trashy little angst-wannabes want to do.

Now, let's head to Webster's for a definition of "Raver":
Raver(n) [Ray-VER]: A spoiled rich kid who wants to be a goth without being unpopular. Ecstacy Addict.

As I plan to go to Katsucon 9, I'm discussing things with the security head and the con chair about patrolling the dances this time around, and there will be confiscations of those glow-stick nunchucks and other swingy toys. This con will not be ruined by ravers, and if it is, I'm going to get REALLY pissed, and when I get pissed, enemies get hurt.

Thank you and God Bless.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Linux and Users

Ah, let me set one thing straight. I love Linux. It's basically the best OS around, except in a few small areas. It runs smoothly, and I can't wait for it to become perfect.

Here's my issue. The users. The tightly-knit close and warm, friendliness among the Linux users. What's wrong with this perfect community?

Most Linux guys are elitist pricks. I'll say it right now. Whenever I try to explain the problems with Linux going 100% mainstream and beating Windows, they respond with retarded answers that assume everyone is like them.

Typical discussion with Linux User-

Me: "People can't leave Windows until there is a reliable and easy way to run their Windows programs."
LinuxUser: "Simple, if they have to deal with a proprietary program, they can just jam out some code and it'll work for them."
Me: "But not everyone is a programmer."
LinuxUser: "If they can't program, why are they using Linux?"
Me: "Aren't we talking about making Linux MAINSTREAM?"
LinuxUser: "Of course, and it's so easy to use Linux. And once people know it, it'll be great, because there'll be more programs."
Me: "But people won't become Linux users until they have more programs."
LinuxUser: "All they have to do is jam out the code and it's simple."

The circular logic is amazing for a supposedly intellegent group, and it seriously gets tiresome. Please, Linux Users...stop assuming everyone can code. Most computer users can't. If you code it, they will come, but you have to make the programs people need.

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