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Comment Re: Marketing? (Score 1) 239

Undoubtely the market will slap SPE back and forth in the face. If they don't, they are really a gang of idiots. Who would invest in a company which is unable to protect itself and its assets? In not way this could be a marketing strategy to pocket a few million dollars. It will cost SPE much more than what they could hope to cash-in from a serie B movie and even an Oscar winner would not compensate.

Comment Re:"Cultural arrogance" (Score 1) 153

First of all, the movie isn't a product of the USA government. You know about free speech? If free speech is considered by the rest of the world as cultural arrogance, so be it.

Second, hijacking a website and the cyberspace is a crime. It is not about the movie industry or whatever, it is about a crime perpetrated on american soil by another country. USA is perfectly legit to react and take action against anyone behind this crime. No matter how weak the security at Sony is.

Third, any real proofs US government is behind Stuxnet? I would like to see them, really.

Fourth, they also insult their own leaders. There is numerous movies where the President of USA is depicted as an idiot, killed or whatever.

Comment Re:And the scientific evidence for this conclusion (Score 1) 391

Define dominant.

By number of units? By pound? By size of the actions domain? By resilience? By IQ? By energy consumption? By number of other entities it kills? By distance it travels?

It is very likely our first encounter with extrastellar form of life will be with a non-living space probe or something like that. Sustaining life during an interstellar journey is about impossible. In the big void, there is no energy available to sustain life as we define it and the amount of time it will take to reach a target capable to provide some power supply is too large for any kind of power supply we know and can think of. Nuclear reactors won't fit the bill, they will need to be replace/rebuild entirely many times, radioactive material will be no longer radioactive many thousands of years before an alien world is reached, etc. So, it leaves autonomous probes that can hibernate until some source of power is encountered.

Given that, would you qualify an autonomous probe as a form of life? Surely not.

Comment Re:Science is on the skeptical side of this debate (Score 1) 719

On what side do you think are the physicists questioning the identity of the Higgs and believing it may be another particle while the probabilities are much more higher than 95% it is in fact the Higgs? You just don't get it. It is not a matter of probabilities. At the beginning of the XXth century, it was taken for granted (almost 100% of the scientific community) the ether exists until two skeptic guys, Michelson and Morley decided to setup an experiment to determine if it actually exists and they found it didn't. Science is not a poll.

Comment Re:Established science CANNOT BE QUESTIONED! (Score 3, Insightful) 719

Not only the data and the conclusions, the models themselves. If you use a model to analyze the data and draw some conclusions from it and this model is unable to predict phenomena correctly you can certainly become skeptic about the conclusions you drawn from it. Recently, many models were put exactly in that position. Calling everyone a denier because he/she express some doubts about the conclusions of a model without any decent prediction capability is certainly an abuse of language and even bullying toward legitimate skepticism.

Comment Re:Sets a precedent (Score 1) 589

I don't think so. We are talking about Sony only. And it is working with Sony because they have a lot of valuable information on Sony they just stole few days before. This is not likely to work with any North American media, if any other. You should also take into account Sony is not particularily good at protecting its own systems and they are reknown for that in fact. It is not the case of all the media.

Comment Re:Does the job still get done? (Score 2) 688

The economists rational makes no sense. First of all, AI creates more jobs than it destroys at the moment. There is currently no autonomous car to buy anywhere. No taxi, truck, bus driver has been replaced so far and no one knows when it will happen and if it will happen at all.

Second thing, most examples given are low wages jobs, then the argument does not hold water if you pretend it is responsible for stagnation of the average wages, the average wages should go up if there is less people with minimum wages.

Third, it is false to say there is less salesman jobs because Google has automated the advertisement. If it wasn't automated it would not be affordable to advertise for many enterprises which then would not exist at all or would have lower earnings, then would not be able to pay well their own employees.

The problem is rather than that some enterprises are draining too much money for what they do. For example, to give an extreme one, Instagram is creating very few jobs and was valued at 1 billion dollars while what they are doing is easily replicatable by a small team of developers. These sectors are draining too much economic resources for the services they provide.

Comment Re:Doubts about performance (Score 1) 99

Yes, but you started with text and removed a layer of complexity. Also, as mentioned, the reverse operation is not as efficient as the forward operation. There is much more work done on spoken English recognition than any other language. I doubt the performance to convert spoken French to text will be as performant as spoken English to text.

In writing, you make an extra effort to make it clear. In spoken language, you have hesitation, slang, intonations, accent, prononciation, elusion, etc, that makes it hard to decipher by a language recognition system and hard to translate as well.

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