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Comment Re:And now, things get Ugly. (Score 1) 120

Most of what you complain about is due to insufficient tax revenue or due to Congressional attempts to actually interfere with good governance and good stewardship. As the other poster said, move to a country without a strong government such as Somalia or Mexico. Just watch out for the gangs, militias and death squads. A few taxes are a low price to pay for the benefits of civilization.

Comment Re:And now, things get Ugly. (Score 4, Insightful) 120

Is there a word for that even? Where you pay somebody and they unwelcomingly shag you? Only thing I can think of is "taxpayer."

Nah. I don't know your situation but I get, or have received; roads, schools, fire protection, cheap food, clean water (unheard of in many places in the world), airports, railway travel, national parks, national forests, state forests, public parks, heavily subsidized university education, cleaner air, cleaner water, and public libraries. By pooling my tax money with others I we use our combined cash to create a civilization. Which is why I hate tax cheats and dodgers, they are parasites.

Comment Re:I am going to see who committed on that project (Score 1) 765

1) Honestly, who doesn't? Everyone is biased. I am just telling you how I judge how people will integrate with my team. I have a rubric. Most people have some bias, e.g. 'no girls allowed', but try to hide it or are in denial.

2) but there actually is not enough information to appropriately judge
There never is. I can only look at resumes, references, and any public postings. How well a person *really* performs is only shown over a matter of time. But there have been time when I was not as critical as I should have been and it blew up in my face. My gut said 'no' but my brain rationalized things. I then spent 90% of my time dealing with a troublesome employee or team member. By the way it cuts both ways. I use the same method when interviewing employers.

3) The guilty verdict would come down, before the defendant even got to made their case repudiating all the apparent "evidence" from the prosecution.
If you want to find out what a person is really like observe them in unguarded moments. Not the front they put up. That is how you screen out sociopaths.

Comment Re:I am going to see who committed on that project (Score 1) 765

It is not a crime, but it does indicate an attitude which makes me believe that a person who revels in such behavior will make a poor team player. I would infer that that persons 'sense of humor' and attitudes would make it difficult for them to integrate into a team of mixed genders, religious beliefs, and moral attitudes. Therefore it would make them a liability both in the legal sense and in terms of team cohesion. Since teams are necessary to get things done, a smooth functioning team is a necessity.

Therefore I would recommend 'Do not hire'.

Seriously, everyone now involved in that project may have made a serious career limiting mistake.

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