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Comment Re:Costco (Score 1) 464

You're right: a single line is much more efficient. More people go through the hole, faster.

But I don't give a shit about that. I want to get in and out fast, so I'll walk all the lanes and quickly pick the one that looks like it's got an effective cashier with non-fat people in line. End result: I'm almost always out of the grocery lines in a couple minutes.

And if they have self checkout, it's even faster, because those never have a line.

And that is the appeal, to many: sure, it may be overall less efficient, but self determination and half a brain allows me to get through faster than the queuing method would, so it's preferential to me. My time is worth a hell of a lot more than other people's time - to me. If they felt similarly, maybe they'd move faster.

That's pretty much my MO as well. I try to find what will be the fastest line and get in it. Cashier speed is usually the biggest factor. I've seen cashiers that regular shoppers avoid at all costs, sometimes even when they don't have a line. I've seen others that a long line at their register is still faster than a short line at another. If I have a good handle on who the fastest cashiers are, I won't want a single line/multiple register approach. Otherwise I would welcome it.

Comment Re:not really a good comparison (Score 1) 1695

While that might be true it still misses the point of the gp or ggp or whatever post that brought up burning the Bible as a form of protest against the WBC. It is intended as an attack at a group of the larger religion, but it becomes an attack at all within the larger religion. Burn Qurans and you may piss off all Islam. Burn Bibles and you may piss off all Christianity. That is the appropriate comparison being made.

Comment Re:I never noticed until someone said something (Score 3, Insightful) 420

What are you talking about? The scene doesn't even make sense with Greedo shooting at all. He is there to bring in Han to collect the bounty. He either is going to take the money from Han or bring in Han to get the money from Jabba. He is no good to Greedo dead. There is no reason to think that Greedo would shoot unless he is first shot at. It just fits with the dialogue for Han to shoot when he does. It makes no sense that Greedo would just arbitrarily shoot at that moment. Never mind the fact that a guy with a gun already trained on his target for a few minutes is going to miss a point blank shot. Throw in how Lucas tried to make Han look like he nods to one side to avoid getting shot before returning fire. The reworked scene is an amazing display of idiocy on the part of Lucas and anyone involved who wouldn't show he had a pair by saying "this is just stupid." In the original it makes sense, it flows, and it shows Han being Han at a very early point in the narrative. In the retarded edition (hey, special is used in place of retarded a fair amount. It really fits here.) the Greedo scene makes no sense, the flow is fubared, Han is still Han, but he has this artificial nobility now. To top it all off the scene looks horrible with the wrong guy shooting and the other guy dodging. The effect is quite jarring if you are really familiar with the original. Makes me think of the part in the 70 minute Episode I evisceration where the guy referring to the opening scene of the original says something to the effect of "This scene is so perfect (or maybe genius) that I'm convinced Lucas had nothing to do with it." He puts his stink on things over and over again. He just can't leave crap alone. The result is the guy that should be delivering a masterpiece special edition with fixes and tweaks is upstaged by a fan working with off the shelf stuff at home in Star Wars Revisited.

Comment Re:Controller (Score 3, Insightful) 158

Yeah, they are basic shapes, but they don't have a logical sequence to a non-Playstation player. On an X-box or Dreamcast controller if I see something say "A" or "B" I don't have to look at the button to know which one to push. When I look at the screen and it says press SQUARE or CIRCLE, I have to look at the controller to know which one to press. I had this exact problem while playing my nephew's PS3 earlier today. Nothing like having to look down at a controller to know which button to press in the middle of a firefight.

Comment Re:He makes a few good points. (Score 1) 753

While I completely agree with it, I think the reason why some "content providers" will behave like EMI in your example might be (I'm completely shooting from the hip here) because they can't make money off of the success outside their playground. If the group got a lot of sales from outside the UK in your example, it might put money in the coffers of some other publisher.

Comment Re:So tell me, (Score 1) 237

I think that is a really big leap in logic. Publishers don't want a book being out early. It might hurt their major distribution channels. Apple doesn't want competition and to make their product look less shiny and special. It seems the message is that you have to be converted by a paid Apple zealot in the store.

Comment Re:From what I've heard, it really is that bad... (Score 2, Interesting) 673

And to go along with your post, the British Airways flight was about 100 miles from the volcano, and all 4 engines started up again after they were out of the ash. One of them failed again, but they were able to make it safely to an airport on their own power rather than strictly gliding.

I thought the travel blackout was a little too knee jerk. I don't know how high the ash got in the atmosphere, but I'm thinking that there would be a more or less safe zone either above or below the main concentration of ash. Then there is the bigger safe zone away from the main corridor the ash is traveling. They might have needed to make adjustments to flight plans, but I think that they could have had a much smaller no-fly zone. Of course I am not even an aerospace janitor, so what do I know?

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 204

Keeping a copy for 6 months is more of a function of the office workload. The manufacturer makes the available memory really high so that it isn't going to be "broken" by really high workloads. If an office manager gets a pimp photocopier only to be used for a few copies a day, that is on the office manager.

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