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Comment Re:So what was the plan? (Score 1) 848

Russian gas is a double-edged sword for Russia. It's economy is already on the skids, a boycott of Russian gas by the EU (to the extent is practical) makes it worse. I think the oligarchs will go a long ways with Putin but there is a point at which they might like being rich more than they fear Putin.

I also think that anything that looks like real brinksmanship with the US that could lead to a shooting war would be defused by the Chinese. On paper, they'd love to see the US and Russia beat the shit out of each other, but at the end of the day it would eviscerate the Chinese economy and lead to a ton of turmoil. China moves forward with the US and collapses without it. When push comes to shove, they will back the US over Russia because they can move forward without Russia.

Comment Re:Send in the drones! (Score 1) 848

Im not 100% clear why we wouldnt want to get involved here, if ever there were a time to get involved.

Because of natural gas interests to benefit Europe, naturally. European countries are spending themselves into the ground so they lean on the US to be World Police. Oligarchs protecting oligarchs, that is all.

And see, we can discredit everybody who claims this will be yet another "war for oil". "War for hydrocarbons" just doesn't have the same ring to it. There's no appetite for a "war for energy" because then people would point out that we have many safe ways of producing all the energy we need already (but the corporate arms dealers don't much care for those).

Comment Re:Apparently the trolls are out here, too (Score 4, Funny) 1262

I'm just still trying to keep up.

Is this week...
a) "women are as tough as men and can do anything men can do, and need no special favors because those deprecate her strength" or
b) "women are snowflakes that can't be expected to simply ignore hurtful comments to their delicate sensibilities"

I can never quite tell which one I'm supposed to ardently support today?

Comment Re:Memes = Politics? (Score 4, Interesting) 126

The odd part of this story is when it says:

some are engineered by the shady machinery of high-profile congressional campaigns

yet I'm failing to think of even one example of a viral meme that fits into that category. I mean, yeah, trigger words for government funding and all that, but even one?

If somebody wants to tell me that Nanci Pelosi's people came up with Doge, OK, fine, I'd believe it, but I've never heard any such insinuations.

Comment Re:Honest question from a non-USian (Score 3, Interesting) 98

Why does the FBI get involved? is it because the events span multiple states, or because the banks have so much clout? If this had happened to google or microsoft, for example, would the FBI get involved?

The FBI will exercise its power whenever it can, but almost always only if oligarchs are involved. Sure, they can't avoid the bad PR of ignoring a kidnapping, but if Grandma's money gets stolen because her paypal account is hacked, then don't expect her to get any help - only the institutions that are politically connected yet could afford their own investigation get that kind of help (while Grandma is essentially helpless). They'll excuse it by saying "oh, we can only help if the dollar amount exceeds $X because we have limited resources" but what that really means is they only help rich enough people, who (shocker) also tend to be the ones capable of making campaign donations. The help is means-tested, but not in the way one might expect.

In various roles I've heard from local chiefs of police who are trying to help out various citizens, just because there is no other option for them. It's not uniform at all, but investigating online crimes is not what those guys have training for.

If somebody here has had FBI help for small-dollar crimes where that was their only option, then I'd love to hear counterexamples.

Comment Re:Fear mongering fearfully old (Score 2) 98

Must be "state" actor APT! But who? China? Russia? Who is US government/media currently demagoguing against? Maximum fear factor achieved!

They forgot North Korea this time - must be an off-cycle.

You didn't need to go AC on this - we're all thinking the same thing. Are they just getting so much worse at the propaganda or are we finally wisening up?

Comment Re:maybe (Score 5, Insightful) 355

I thought everyone knew this, or were able to google it especially if they are able to upload something like DDWRT to their router. Perhaps I had too much faith.

especially in AT&T if nobody he's ever spoken with about the issue knew enough to mention encapsulation. It doesn't sound like he's a dope, just possibly missed this factor. Somebody there could have simply asked him, "are you counting the overhead of PPPoE and ATM?" and then his post may have been entirely different, if it even existed at all.

With millions of home users and thousands of techs, the onus should not be on the customer base to understand how the vendor's product works internally.

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