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Comment Re:Aren't all the airlines complaining about usage (Score 1) 819

I was of the impression that most of the airlines were all bemoaning the low traffic, driving up the costs of flying because "nobody is flying anymore". If that is the case, why are they not making flight a more appealing option to draw more passengers?

It's easier to just reduce costs by run fewer flights with more people crammed into each flight.

Book your flight based on things like creature comforts. If the airline doesn't offer what you consider a bare minimum, DON'T Use them! Vote with your Money! If enough people did that, the airlines would Have to accommodate, or go broke in a hurry! Be willing to pay for what you want, or Not pay for a bad experience!

Unless you have days to drive or cruise to where you can fly in hours, the airlines are the only game in town.

Comment Re:Wow those fees... (Score 1) 161

perhaps not as prestigious as MIT, but more than sufficient for most people.

Sufficient for people who want to become a cog in the machine. Those people who are paying for the application service for top ranked schools want to go to those schools because they don't want to become cogs in the machine, they want to own the machine. It is a completely different mindset from "most people".

Second time I read this sentiment in this thread. It fails on two counts -- one that students at lesser schools want to become cogs in the machine; I knew quite a few from my state school who had founded their own company before graduation, and others who wanted to. Two, that MIT and other elite students don't become cogs -- there sure are a lot of MIT-educated "cogs" where I work; they're not any less a "cog" than me for having gone to MIT.

Comment Re:Responsible Agency Enforcing Law (Score 4, Interesting) 222

What, exactly, is controversial about this? The FAA is responsible for the safety of aviation, and a lot of corporations are deliberately, flagrantly breaking the law. Sounds like a good idea that the FAA enforce the law.

The FAA tried to fine one commercial aerial photographer for "deliberately, flagrantly" breaking this law. They lost in court. Not, mind you, a judicial determination: they lost in their own administrative court, where one of their own administrative judges ruled they did not have the authority to regulate these aircraft.

Legally, nothing has changed since then, though appeals are still in progress. The FAA, thus, is attempting to assert an authority that at the present time, they have been told by their own courts that they do not have.

That's what's controversial.

Comment Re:419 (Score 1) 62

In poor countries, pervasive tax evasion means not enough money for infrastructure, or to pay sufficient salaries to government employees so that they work for their salary rather the opportunity to extort bribes.

Right, because government officials are all pure and good and if they got all the taxes that selfish individuals are evading they would definitely use them for infrastructure rather than, say, off-shore "exit funds" or 400 pairs of shoes for their wife or palatial estates in their otherwise squalor-filled country.

The prevalance of the informal (untaxed) economy is a symptom, not a cause. Cracking down on it misses the point and makes things worse.

Comment Re:Ecosystem (Score 3, Interesting) 108

Their habit of long distance migration in large groups was well suited for such an explosion, exploiting all of the nut-tree resources on North America.

Unfortunately for the passenger pigeon, their favorite American Chestnut is no longer a nut-bearing species for most of its former range, thanks to the chestnut blight. So before you can re-introduce the passenger pigeon, you need to restore the chestnut -- which horticulturists have been trying, with limited success, for decades.

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