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Comment Re:first??? (Score 4, Funny) 142

The same people who willingly install devices into their OBDII port that lets insurance companies monitor their driving habits.

Wait, you mean I was supposed to plug that thing into my real OBDII port and not the one I hacked together to provide readouts for my ultra-realistic "Desert Bus" remake?

Comment Re:I wouldn't expect this to be a problem for long (Score 1) 298


It's pretty much necessary, seeing as the other side can wage "war" 24/7/365 as well. I'd prefer a way to achieve a lasting peace, but I don't see how; there's no one on the other side with the authority to negotiate one (even if you could make peace with one group, as soon as you do so six others will splinter off to do more terrorism), and we can't kill them all without unacceptable collateral damage.

Comment Re:SLAPP? (Score 1) 401

Not anti-SLAPP legislation (which are state laws), but the Communications Decency Act section 230, a rare case of an evil plan backfiring. The idea was to censor the Internet and throw a sop to dissenters by providing a shield from liability for user-provided content, but the courts ended up ruling everything but that sop unconstitutional.

Comment Re:Poor guy never answered the complaint (Score 1) 389

One organization provides licenses for lawful public performance of music to justify its existence. I'd expect that at least 99% of their business is quietly collecting small amounts of money, granting licenses, and distributing money to songwriters, and none of this involves lawsuits.

Except for "songwriters", you've described the Mafia in that second sentence. When someone doesn't pay, the Mafia breaks bones and shoots people. BMI uses lawyers instead. Restaurants, on the other hand, don't have lawyers (or legbreakers) on staff, typically. Going to court against BMI is playing on their home territory. Unless you also have a tough legal staff, you've lost already.

Comment Re:Poor guy never answered the complaint (Score 3, Insightful) 389

And that's the end of any sympathy they might have had coming from me. No matter how ridiculous the lawsuit is, if you don't answer it, you deserve to lose.

One organization sues people to justify its existence. The other makes food. No point in the second bothering to answer in court any more than the BMI lawyers should agree to a cook-off. The outcome in either case is pre-ordained, and answering can only drive up the costs.

Comment Ride it (Score 1) 135

Ride the most extreme excesses of the bubble you can, pulling in ridiculous amounts of cash and equity. Convert it to reasonably safe (e.g. money markets) and counter-market (e.g. gold) investments. When the bubble pops, don't worry about being laid off: take some time off and live off your reserves. And invest some of them in those tech firms which have a solid business but whose stock prices were brought down in the general crash, to set you up for the recovery (or next bubble.)

Comment Re:And what if he's right? (Score 1) 412

Dude's got "trouble with girls" because "three things happen". Got that? These aren't things that are possible, these are things that happen so often that they cause old Mr Hunt "trouble". One is that he falls in love with them. Because the old horndog never got the memo that you don't shit where you work.

The common advice of not dating where you work is more honored in the breach than the observance. That's just reality. Dr. Hunt, who likely met his wife in just such a situation, knows this very well.

The second is that these "girls" fall in love with him. Because of course they would. He's clearly irresistible.

I'm sure some found him so, in his younger days.

The third thing that "happens" is that he criticizes them and they fall into an hysterical heap of crying femininity

He actually just said they "cry". And that may well be his experience. Personally I've run into very few women at work who cried when criticized... but no men. He wasn't talking about Ph.D. defenses.

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