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Comment Re:Insurance (Score 1) 217

Kickstarter is an investment platform.

OK, and digging loose change out of your couch cushions is you making use of a banking platform.

Everybody involved here knows that "investment" means something very specific when you're handing money to a company to use in the formation and growth of their business. What happens when you funnel money towards a favored project through Kickstarter is no more an investment than losing some change in your couch is you making a bank deposit.

There's nothing wrong with Kickstarter or with people on both ends of the gift-giving making use of it. But it's not an investment. If you're one of these people that thinks you've just "invested" money when you go to see a movie, then the term - to you - is so absurdly broad as to have no meaning, especially not in the context of an actual discussion about business finance and project funding.

Comment Re:Politics aside for a moment. (Score 2) 538

I'm not understanding how anyone could consider this to qualify as "push[ing] the rules to their limits". The emails were never archived, which was required by law. PERIOD. If she'd used her personal email, but used Google backup or something* and dumped the archive to IT on her way out, that would be "push[ing] the rules".

* We'll ignore how insecure that may be.

Comment Thanks to them, we have today's mmos (Score 4, Insightful) 64

I firmly attribute the success of world of warcraft also to games workshop.

Because they were too stupid and greedy.

Gw has always been rapacious in terms of pricing, but when they were presented with these developers who (really out of line for the ip) had created this "real time strategy" computer game using orcs (sorry, orks - for a company so tyrannical about their ip, they've been astonishingly casual about others'...) they reacted badly, insisting on a tyrannical level of creative control and ruinous charges for the ip. Their demands were so ridiculous, in fact, that these developers (who really already had the core of the game done) had to reluctantly walk away from the rapacious Brits and set out on their own...and thus was born warcraft.

In exactly the same sense that I think Lego controlling minecraft would have strangled that baby in its cradle, GW controlling warcraft would have certainly prevented warcraft (and ultimately wow - and the mmo renaissance it spurred).

Their greed compelled blizzard to strike out themselves.

Comment Re:Insurance (Score 2) 217

Kickstarter is an investment platform

That is one thing that it absolutely is NOT. It's a donation platform, and some people asking for donations offer some incentives in exchange for your generosity. That's it. There is no investment. People who've given money are not vested in any way, except perhaps emotionally.

Comment Great... (Score 3, Interesting) 199

These are the same fucking retards that can't even properly secure evidence when Wynns government decided to violate the data protection laws and deleted not only primary, but backup data when there was a standing warrant regarding to the massive scandal relating to the gas plants. You'll have to excuse me if I don't have any faith in the information provided at all. Hell, their general force is in 80/90's era computer technology.

What's gonna get good is that they pulled a blanket seizure with a warrant that was for specific data. That's a no-no guys, the judge stated one thing you stupid idjits did something else. I'm going to hazard it'll get to court and the entire thing will be thrown out because they overstepped the bounds of the original seizure warrant.

Comment Re:I don't think Obama is really paying attention (Score 1) 533

He just demonstrates to Muslims that even a non-Muslim can tell ISIS isn't Muslim

More than a quarter of British Muslims recently polled said they support militant Islamists who attack westerners they consider out of line with jihaddi sensibilities. That's 27% who applaud the slaughter of magazine publishers by ISIS-associated Muslim fanboys/girls. Those people think that ISIS is very Muslim, and is in fact a better example of practicing Islam than the more "moderate" groups who don't practice or support such violence. What is it, exactly, that you think Obama is demonstrating to those millions of people who simply laugh at his assessment of the Muslim-ness of one group or the next?

bombs don't differentiate whether someone is Muslim or not

With whom are you having that debate? Bombs aren't supposed to make distinctions between innocent people and medieval-minded wackadoos following the Koran's guidance and lopping heads off of the local insufficiently-Islmaic villagers. It's human intel, targeting, and decisions that make that distinction.

totally misunderstand the meaning of the words others say

No, you're just annoyed that someone actually paid attention to the words someone said.

Comment Re:Short answer ... (Score 3, Insightful) 18

The RCMP have a lot of problems, this, the officers lying over the tasering in BC. High River(illegal gun seizures), and so on. Some of the major problems stem from the fact that there are no career officers in positions of power and they're all political appointees. Yeah, figure that one out. How does someone become chief of a service without ever having served on it. It's better in a lot of the smaller services here in Canada, where services acts require someone from the service before they can be a chief.

The RCMP can be fixed, if they start pulling out all the political bullshit. The vast majority of police services in Canada work as a bottom to top organization. Meaning the guy at the bottom, gets a problem and decides how to fix it on their own without someone over his shoulder to figure it out or telling him to "bend the rules to make it happen." Services like the RCMP(federal police), OPP(Ontario Provincial), SQ(Quebec Provincial) operate as "top down" meaning there's someone staring over you shoulder, and breathing down your neck while telling you to "do this or else." Now I'm sure you're thinking, but why don't they stand up...some do. And they're quickly drummed out for not following the procedures which is a offence you can be canned for in many cases.

The vast majority here in Canada do follow the rules. Said rules are enforced and have oversight by independent investigation boards made up of ex-police and civilians. And then there's a local police oversight board that anyone can apply to become a member of in many cases. In Ontario for instance, anyone can become a member of the oversight board it doesn't matter who you are--you can apply. The RCMP though doesn't have either, it has, as said that lovely top-down approach.

Now as for the laws here in Canada, the police generally don't line up and say "we need law xyz" because...reasons...usually in Canada laws such as that are based on something happening in society that requires it. And should that be an overstep, then it'll end up before the Supreme Court and will or won't be struck down. A few examples: RIDE programs are a violation in Canada of unlawful search. It was however ruled that it's a reasonable exception under S.1 of the charter because of the needs weighted against society. On the other hand, we have exigent circumstances(allowing entry/taps/etc w/o warrant). Which was struck down by the Supreme Court as being "a extreme violation of individual rights." That was in reaction to another bill, but said ruling stripped it out of the criminal code itself. Exigent circumstances had been on the books for ~100 years at that point.

Comment Re:Damnit... (Score 1) 201

^this times a million.
Really, as if we needed more proof that the majority of humanity (never including us, of course) are just vapid, moronic sheep, driven by impulse and entirely unable to understand long-term cause effect or act for their own good.

Maybe the Democrats/Republicans are right, and we should just let them in Washington think for the rest of us. I mean, could it be worse than us doing it ourselves?

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