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Comment Re:It used to be easy to meet people in Facebook (Score 1) 325

Then I think they should just drop the pretense of being some sort of transformative world expanding service, remove all the mixed signal features, clearly state rules instead of mysteriously disabling accounts out of the blue for having too many friends or messaging too much etc and just admit they are a glorified rolodex.

Comment It used to be easy to meet people in Facebook (Score 1) 325

Now they do everything in their power to discourage networking. They should just remove the people you may know feature. You're likely to get your account locked down if you try it. Basically all you're supposed to do is tend to your small garden of friends you meet in RL and thats it in which case its better to pick up the phone anyway.

Comment Before the reflexive pearl clutching (Score 0) 467

Yet another article wants you to kneejerk sexism but I think this is more an interesting reminder on how we process information. People don't judge things just using a blank slate but use demographic shortcuts from their past experiences and ideologies. With only a paper likely filled with lies and exaggeration to go on the human brain is designed in these situations to mine for information not just in direct but indirect ways, it doesn't automatically mean they're wrong. Obviously it would be better to get to know the person, but mental shortcuts in certain situations are a valid strategy that the brain naturally gravitates toward because it overall works. In fact everybody with a functioning brain uses shortcuts including demographic shortcuts all the time everyday, anyone claiming not to is lying.

Comment huge for some students (Score 2) 164

This would actually be a huge boon for students looking for a research mentor or PI. I spent months trawling through google and WoS looking through faculty and it was a gigantic mess trying to separate out who was who. The professors of Asian origin were by far the worst to get through as they had 200 other guys with the same name boosting their publication counts to absurd levels. Its made worse by the habit of moving around the country and name abbreviations. Algorithms and narrowing the search criteria could only get you so far since you still have thousands of Chens working in biochemistry at the same time. This could make an hour long search instantaneous.

Comment Re:Growth is Good (Score 1) 461

Obviously no one wants a population will kill everyone but its debatable whether we truly are there. But if we could overcome the environmental obstacles a bigger population with productive people is certainly better than a smaller one. So we should ultimately be working for a population that can sustain growth rather than one that simply shrinks.

Comment Growth is Good (Score 1) 461

Population growth should be seen as an extremely powerful tool with obstacles to overcome rather than an inherently bad thing. A larger vibrant population of (intelligent productive) people means more science, technology, goods, art, and everything else we need as a society and most importantly survival. A shrinking or stagnant population will lead to doom.

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