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Comment Re:flywheel (Score 4, Informative) 245

There's a much easier solution, already in operation - pumped hydro power plants. They're hydro electric power stations, but when there's a surplus of supply, they pump water up into their reservoir. When peaks of power production are needed, they generate. They can be turned on at a moments notice (all it takes is opening a sluice, and dropping the water), and can store vast amounts of energy.

Comment Re:If true, it is no longer the case with new devi (Score 1) 194

No, no it's not security through obscurity. It's security through something you know - a perfectly valid method of securing something. Of course, it would be nice if in this case, you could change the thing you're supposed to know to be different to the device's serial number.

Comment Re:My opinion on the matter. (Score 5, Insightful) 826

Anyone that uses something besides Linux. One great thing about Unixen is how they share common interfaces. The more you change that, the less interchangeable the various Unixen become. The more reason their will be to resist moving from one to another.

Except that's actually false. Unixen really don't share common interfaces. Mac OS uses launchd, FreeBSD uses init.d, many Linuxes use systemd.

On Linux you'll find devices named /dev/hda(n) and sda(n), while on OS X you'll find /dev/disk(n)s(m), and on solaris you'll find /dev/dsk/c(n)t(m)d(l)s(o).

All unixes differ. Trying to claim that the way it happens to have been done in Linux for a while is the "one true unix way" is frankly bullshit.

Comment Re:Normalization (Score 4, Insightful) 276

Depends what you want to get out of these stats. If you want to find out in which group you're more likely to find a gamer, if you have a same sized sample, then sure, you're right, you need to normalise it. If you want to find out who you should target when you're designing a game you want to sell to people, then no, no you don't want to normalise it.

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